Chip Shots: Get Off My Lawn!

I’m six months shy of 61 years old. When I hear someone my age say something crotchety, I enjoy replying ironically, “Get off my lawn!”

The Penalty Box: Life Will Never Be Fair

I hope one of the common themes you get from my weekly offerings is the concept that sports and everyday life are connected in almost every way.

Chip Shots: As I Type…

I shamelessly brought my laptop to the Northridge-Goshen IHSAA Class 4A Sectional semifinal last night to complete my column. There were so many options for today’s thoughts.

A Very Important Part Of Your Financial Plan Remains Asset Allocation

When the markets become volatile, as they have in the last few months, asset allocation can be an important tool. Having a financial strategy that includes an asset allocation plan, may help you to stay on track even as markets change rapidly.

Our Stay On This Earth Is Temporary, But Through Jesus Our Sins Are Forgiven

I was laying in the dark room at Lutheran Hospital in the middle of the night in pain and unable to sleep.

The Penalty Box: Thin Ice Ruins The Winter

Fishing is my favorite hobby.

Chip Shots: February... You Know What That Means

This first full week of February signals the beginning of the end in the winter scholastic sports season. Area schools competing in swimming and diving, wrestling, and girls’ basketball will fight starting today and on through the week to survive, advance, and earn one more week of practice.

Having An Investment Policy Statement Is Vital To Investment Success

Over the last 40 years, a huge change has taken place in how Americans fund their retirement. Recognizing that change, and what it means to you, may be very important in determining what retirement lifestyle you can afford.

Wawasee Graduate Offers His Reflections As A Ball State Singer

As I reflect on my time with the Ball State Singers, I am filled with gratitude for the ways this experience has shaped me — not only as a musician but also as a leader and as a person.

The Penalty Box: How To Win A Championship Game

As I watched the final seconds of Monday night’s College Football Playoff Championship game tick off and Ohio State claim the title, I was reminded of a simple truth that has not changed for as long as championship games have been held.

Chip Shots: Low Key Plans Yield Unexpected Results

I think – based on my count – my column is near 14 readers. I met three more folks who’ve perused my weekly output Thursday night at one of the area’s newest gathering places, the Falling Rabbit.

Follow These Few Tips When Developing Your Household Budget For ‘25

Follow These Few Tips When Developing Your Household Budget For ‘25

The Penalty Box: Notre Dame And Ohio State Is Perfect

Perfect” is such an inappropriate word. Virtually nothing is perfect, and we use the word incorrectly about 90-percent of the time.

Chip Shots: I Can’t Feel Nuthin’

What in Heaven’s name is going on with me?

Financial Planning First Steps To Help Layout Your Future

This week, we will continue to discuss the basics of financial planning and getting a handle on your money issues. While we are using the start of the new year as the reason for doing this, you can make these first steps at any time of time of the year.