65th Reunion

The Mentone High School Class of 1959 recently held their 65th reunion at McSherry Farms near Burket.

WHS Class Of 1959

Warsaw High School Class of 1959 is planning their 65th reunion for July 17 at Windham Gardens Hotel in Warsaw.

Claypool High School Class Of 1964 Met

The Claypool High School Class of 1964 met for lunch at The Boathouse Restaurant on May 3 with a total of seven in attendance, of which five were classmates.

Leesburg-Oswego Alumni Banquet Set For May 18

LEESBURG – The Leesburg-Oswego Alumni Association will be meeting for their 2024 Alumni Banquet on May 18 at the Leesburg Grace Brethren Church, 101 W. School St., Leesburg.

Milford High School Alumni Banquet Set For June 8

MILFORD – The Milford High School 99th alumni banquet will be held June 8 in the Milford School cafeteria, 611 W. Emeline St.

WHS Class Of 1961

LEESBURG – Warsaw High School Class of 1961 had lunch at Steuby’s in Leesburg March 27.

WHS Class Of 1961

Warsaw High School Class of 1961 classmates met Feb. 27 at Pizza Hut, Detroit Street, Warsaw, for lunch.

WHS Class Of 1956

WHS Class Of 1953

WHS Class Of 1959 Met