Mike Bergen
Mike Bergen

Mike Bergen

Follow The Three Most Important Topics In Financial Planning

In times like these, when there is uncertainty in the economy, prospective clients want to know what the most important steps are to reaching financial independence.

Your New Summer Tradition – A Mid-Year Financial Checkup

With the data from the first half of the year available to you, look at how and where you spent your money.

Potentially Improve Your Retirement Planning With These Tips

“What should I be doing to save for retirement?” The first step is to start contributing to your retirement plan, either through your employer or through you own private plan.

Should I Be Saving For College Or Retirement?

College costs have risen much faster than inflation over the past 30 years, and as a result, a dilemma that many parents face is how to finance college and still save for their own retirement.

What Is The Stock Market Really, And How Does It Work?

The stock market isn’t a single thing. It is a collection of thousands of stocks that represent ownership in very real businesses.

Kick These Bad Money Habits To Take Financial Control

By identifying and addressing these bad money habits, you can take control of your finances and work towards a more secure future.

Sandwich Generation: Caring For A Parent And A Child

One in eight Americans, 40 to 60 years old is caring for a parent while raising a child, according to the Pew Research Center.

Some Important Estate Planning Tips To Consider

We all experience the death of friends and family members in our life. In financial planning, we often find ourselves involved in the aftermath of those deaths. If the deceased planned their estate before their death, it usually makes it easier on the survivors.

Follow This Timeline When You Are Getting Ready For Retirement

The beginning of summer is also a time when many people start to think about retirement. I don’t really know why, but I suspect the reason has something to do with how great summers are around Kosciusko County.

The Bucket Approach Can Help You Construct Your Retirement Portfolio

The bucket approach is an asset allocation strategy that divides your retirement resources into three pools, or buckets, based on when you will access the money.

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