Thanks, Kerlin Family

Editor, Times-Union: The Town of Silver Lake, along with a group of citizens and business owners, is continuing to work on designing and building a community center. We are going into the next steps of accomplishing this long-awaited mission.

Legal Notices Belong In Newspapers

Editor, Times-Union: As usual, the honorable senators and representatives are once again considering legislation that will eliminate the requirement that local and state governments have to publish legal notices in Indiana newspapers.

Oval Office Fiasco

Editor, Times-Union: The dressing-down of President Zelensky in the Oval Office is being celebrated by Republicans who are trying to put the best spin on it possible.

Fact Check, Please

Editor, Times-Union: I would strongly suggest we each fact check our statements that are included in our letters to the editor.

Ignorance & Insanity

Editor, Times-Union: After four years of the insanity that was a part of the Biden administration, it is great having a powerful president that loves America and wants to do what the American people want.

Follow Your Money

Editor, Times-Union: Throughout our lives most of us have worked, been paid wages for that work, and in turn paid out taxes — lots of taxes: federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales taxes, etc. We knew those taxes were/are necessary for the upkeep and maintenance of our lives’ necessities …

Where Is The Love?

Editor, Times-Union: Last Monday at noon, my wife and I attended a Congressman Rudy Yakym’s mobile office hours in Warsaw. Our anticipation was high; we hoped to hear the Congressman's remarks on the Trump administration's efforts to reduce government spending, followed by an opportunity to voice concerns and ask questions.

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

Editor, Times-Union: As I was in my car yesterday, this thought came to me, “We need to be Peacemakers.”


Editor, Times-Union: I am one of those people who would rather have a colonoscopy than go to the BMV. After two unsuccessful trips, I’m ready to drive like the illegals with no valid license.

Land Donation

Editor, Times-Union: It was exciting to read in Saturday’s The Weekender edition of the city accepting 10.75 acres of donated land south of Warsaw Cut Glass.

Pro-Trump, Anti-AP

Editor, Times-Union: I see where the Trump administration has kicked AP (associated propaganda) out of the White House and all government agencies news briefings. I know that the Times-Union gets most of their world news from AP, so I would assume the Times-Union won't be reporting AP stories anymore that …

Dream Team Or Nightmare Cult?

Editor, Times-Union: Based on their “merits,” these are a few of the people chosen to lead our country with basically no guardrails or oversight, and according to Donald Trump, these are “the finest people ever recruited for government.” (Including himself, I am sure!)

The Indefensible

Editor, Times-Union: I thank God I'm a Republican because if I were a Democrat I'd have to defend so many things that are indefensible. I say the Democrat Party is a Big Tent party. The problem is that there are nothing but clowns inside. After watching the antics of Democrats …

America Deserves Better

Editor, Times-Union: I pulled out a photo I took of an image of Abraham Lincoln while on Honor Flight in 2017 In Washington, D.C.

Can't Stop What's Coming

Editor, Times-Union: For months I have followed the letters column reading intelligent letters and scrolling past others, a few in particular, but I feel it’s time to put my two cents in.