Why Having An Investment Policy Statement Is Important To Success

An investment policy statement is a document that lists investment goals and the strategies that will be used to meet those goals.

Robinson - Mitt Romney is a Little Short on Specifics

WASHINGTON – Republicans say they’re eager for the presidential campaign to turn away from “distractions” and focus instead on the economy. Someone should warn them that if they’re not careful, they might get their wish.

Planners OK Retirement Subdivision

Warsaw Plan Commission Monday approved a preliminary plat for a retirement subdivision.

Avoid Common Investment Pitfalls Along Your Road To Retirement

Planning for retirement should really start as soon as you get your first real job, but it should continue through each stage of life.

Campaign Asks People To Stop Using The 'R' Word

Athletes, Peer Tutors and special needs students at Warsaw Community High School are working together to get people to drop the “R” word.

Tease photo

Ksiezopolski Recognized For 30 Years Of Service As An EMT-Paramedic

Ksiezopolski Recognized For 30 Years Of Service As An EMT-Paramedic

Silver Lake Holds Public Hearing on Sewer Project

SILVER LAKE – The Silver Lake Town Council held a public hearing Wednesday to discuss a sewer planning project during its December meeting.

Pierceton Thrilled With New Ambulance

PIERCETON - "It's like going from a Volkswagen to a Cadillac," said Chuck See, president of the Pierceton-Washington-Monroe Emergency Medical Services Association. The volunteer group recently acquired a 1998 MedTech ambulance, upgrading from a 1986 model. The new ambulance, a demonstration model, was purchased with a $10,000 Kosciusko County Foundation grant; contributions from Washington Township, which supplied two-thirds of the costs; and with money gathered through several fund-raising events which began in the spring sponsored by the EMTs, at a final cost of $77,200, including trade-in of the 12-year-old ambulance. "The community and the township have always been supporting of emergency medical services," See said."We're very proud of this vehicle." The new rig holds the same amount of basic life support supplies as the "old" ambulance but there is one-and-a-half times more room in back.

Sym Financial Adds Ackmann

WINONA LAKE – SYM Financial recently announced that Thomas R. Ackmann has joined the firm to focus on leading clients with their 401(k) retirement plan design and tax reduction strategies.

Advanced EMT Classes Planned At North Webster

NORTH WEBSTER – North Webster Tippecanoe Township Fire/EMS Education will sponsor classes for the New Advanced EMT.

Former Business Owner Accused Of Stealing From 401(k)s

The former owner/president of Pizza Supply Of Indiana was arrested Friday after an investigation found she allegedly stole about $76,000 from employees’ 401(k) contributions over a five-year period.

Primary Purpose Of Schooling At Wawasee

Public education is under increasing pressure to perform in the eye of the public.A steady barrage of mostly negative reports have demoralized many educators, and left many patrons wondering about the quality of their own local public schools.Part of the difficulty lies in the conflicting view of what priorities should drive the public schools' missions. Should schools emphasize a back-to-the-basics mission of reading, writing and mathematics? Should they emphasize the application of reading, writing and mathematics to modern job opportunities? Should they be addressing the very root of the educational and social problems, such as hungry and neglected students who suffer educationally because of social and family problems? What is the primary view of the Wawasee School Corp.community? To answer this question a series of community forums was held during the 1996-97 school year to discuss educational priorities in the Wawasee community.

APC Approves Funneling Law

An ordinance regarding lake access developments was approved by the Area Plan Commission Wednesday. Kosciusko County commissioners will consider the proposal at their Sept.19 meeting. Nicknamed the "funneling" ordinance, this addition to the county zoning ordinance was studied for months by a citizen-led committee established by the plan commission. Oswego-area resident David Tyler, who, in addition to being a member of the Lake Tippecanoe Property Owners' Association, sits on the state Lakes Management Work Group, led 10 meetings held by the Lake District Committee. Plan commission members Dick Kemper, Larry Coplen and Charlie Haffner were appointed to the committee.Each man backed the revised amendment as presented. The proposed ruling limits the practice of funneling numerous lake users through a single waterfront lot intended for residential use. According to the amendment, funneling promotes very high density use of limited lakeshore property.

Here Are Some Year-End Tax Tips To Save Money Next Year

Tax planning should be a year-long event, but it often only receives attention at the of the year.

Remember When 4.21.7

10 Years Ago April 21 1997 Ten students from the Warsaw Community High School FBLA participated in the 51st FBLA State Leadership Conference in Indianapolis during spring break. The Warsaw chapter excelled at the competition, with each student receiving an award. They are Karen Laker, Kaisia Adamczyk, Sheena Deaton, Matt Kloser, Adam Grimm, Jason Barrett, Kevin Masur, Megan Piazza, Jenna Green and Danielle Yoder. 25 Years Ago April 21 1982 City Police Cpt. Aden Moore is planning to retire from the Warsaw Police Department at the end of April. After 15-1/2 years as a Warsaw police officer, Moore is retiring because of back and knee problems. 50 Years Ago April 21 1957 Company L's newly organized drill team won the battalion championship trophy at Angola Saturday, competing against five other national guard units. Team members are Roy Downhour Jr., drill sergeant, Robert Smith, Richard Saltsgiver, Doyle Yeiter, Bud Fosnaugh, Max Anglin, Gerald Egner and Phil Hardin. 75 Years Ago April 21 1932 ROCHESTER - Three years ago, or in the spring of 1929, Dr. E.C. Conkle lost a large diamond from a ring while cleaning the chicken yard behind his home. Sunday he recovered the diamond from a pile of refuse in the yard.

North Manchester Council Sees Parks Plan Draft

NORTH MANCHESTER – The master plan draft for the Parks and Recreation Department has been given to North Manchester Town Council members.

Syracuse Eliminates 5 Dispatchers

SYRACUSE - At Tuesday's town council meeting, Syracuse firefighters and emergency medical service workers responded to a report announcing the elimination of the town's emergency dispatch department. The Animal Control Department also will be eliminated. A report released Tuesday by Town Manager Jeff Noffsinger outlined a plan to eliminate the departments, saying town residents already have these services through the county. "Syracuse residents are currently being taxed twice for services that are already provided from the county," Noffsinger said in a press release. According to the report, the town council instructed Noffsinger to eliminate the departments from the upcoming budget during a recent executive session.About $165,000 annually will be freed up from the 2007 budget to address other issues.Noffsinger's press release indicates the position of the animal control officer will be terminated June 30.The dispatch office will remain open until Dec.30.