Why Inflation May Be a Risk To Your Portfolio

Swaim Retires After Decades in Education

When the Class of 2015 graduates, Warsaw Community High School Guidance Counselor Rick Swaim will be ending his time at the high school as well.

Webster Teacher To Retire After Remark Made In Class

A chance remark in a North Webster Elementary classroom has led to the early retirement of a 31-year teaching veteran. A remark Phyllis Roberts made to her class two weeks ago was overheard by someone passing by, leading Roberts to retire from her position. Officials will not say exactly what Roberts said, but the remark is believed to be of a discrimantory nature. Val Conner of the Indiana State Teachers Association said there was "no malicious intent" in Roberts' remark, but "the context of the comment was exacerbated by the situation" in the school system last year. A Syracuse Elementary teacher came under fire last spring for distributing in her class a worksheet on the Ku Klux Klan.

Juggler & A Picnic At NMPL

NORTH MANCHESTER - Derek Dye, a comedian juggler, will perform at the North Manchester Public Library's Wandering Wednesday.

Shewmans Together For 60 Years

An open house is planned in celebration of Con and Sharon Shewman’s 60th wedding anniversary.

Remember When 11.27.2015

10 YearsLonnie Flory, 75, has run the Greyhound bus station at 707 N. Park Avenue for 20 years.

Mayor's Secretary To Retire After 23 Years, Reception Planned

Michelle Bormet will retire this month after serving as the secretary for three Warsaw mayors over the past 23 years.

Washington's Ray Plans Retirement

GM Is Alive, All Right

I think the media does a pretty significant disservice when it fails to take politicians to task with regard to their campaign deceptions.

Local Volunteers Building Clinic In Guatemala

He's only been involved with Hands of Hope International for less than a year, but now Steve Petty is looking for a few good men to help build a medical clinic in Chiqua Dos, Guatemala.

Letters to the Editor 03-10-2006

- Silver Lake Budgets Silver Lake Budgets Editor, Times-Union: In 2001, the town of Silver Lake annexed area around the Lake.The Annexation Ordinance (01-05-01) was based on IC 36-4-3.IC 36-4-3-8 states that the first three years of all property taxes received from the area, not used to meet basic services, are to be put into a special fund and used for additional services in the area. This money is to be spent no later than five years after the annexation becomes effective.The first town property taxes from the area were for 2002 payable in 2003.Because of reassessment, the town received tax money in June, July and August 2003 based on taxes paid to the town in 2002.

Letters to the Editor 11-16-2001

- School Expansion - Thanksgiving Prayer School Expansion Editor, Times-Union: I would like to add my two cents into the current debate over school expansion plans.As a former student at WCHS I participated in band, track and the speech team.I have seen both sides of the debate.The football team needs a new stadium and the track team really needs a better track (the current one is basically asphalt).On the other hand, the academic teams and performing arts need a better place to perform.The band and its supporters have grown so large that concerts are now held in the gym.The acoustics in a gym are horrendous and completely unacceptable for a band or choral concert.

Remember When 2.27.2009

10 Years Ago February 27 1999 INDIANAPOLIS - A Leesburg man has 117,000 news reasons to be happy. Keith Smith took advantage of the "Hoosier Millionaire" television show's basic premise of giving away money, netting himself $117,000 on the show broadcast recently. 25 Years Ago February 27 1984 Kathi Cottrill, Warsaw, has recently been recognized for her outstanding ability, accomplishments and service to the community by being selected as one of the Outstanding Young Women of America for 1983. Cottrill serves the Warsaw community as a special education teacher. 50 Years Ago February 27 1959 Sally Irwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Erwin, 1720 E. Center St., was pledged to Chi Omega sorority at Purdue University recently. Sally, a freshman in home economics, plans to major in clothing and design. 75 Years Ago February 27 1934 The county Latin contest was held at Milford recently. The winners in Division I were Delphine Brock and Ruth Darkwood of Milford with Katherine Hamman, Milford, as alternate. In Division 2 the winners were Parke Lantz, North Webster, and Aletha Beiswanger, Milford, with Charles Long of North Webster as alternate. These pupils will represent Kosciusko County in the District Contest to be held at Peru in March 24.

Why Various Types Of Inflation May Be A Risk To Your Portfolio

Inflation has been a topic that has been in the news a lot lately, perhaps more than at any other time since the 1980s. That’s a good thing, because if no one has been talking about inflation it could be because it has not been a problem.

Learn Canning Basics At WCPL

Canning is an important, safe method for preserving food if practiced properly.

Ellsworth Finishes Training

Lucas Ellsworth, Warsaw, completed basic training at MCRD in San Diego, Calif., Oct. 22.

Meijer Request Tabled Again

Meijer's request to rezone 41.65 acres to special commercial (C5) to build a store at 900 Husky Trail, along Patterson Road, was tabled for the second time by the Warsaw City Council Monday. The Warsaw Plan Commission unanimously recommended April 10 that the council deny the petition. "Last night at the meeting it got continued," council president Jerry Patterson said today."There really wasn't any action taken (on the Meijer proposal)." "We had indicated to the city council that we didn't want to come back (to the council until June 19th with a revision of the original plan)," Meijer attorney Steve Snyder said. The reason for the delay, Snyder said, was "because that's the amount of time we need to make the modifications" requested by the city council at last month's meeting. Modifications include a revised traffic study and a less intensive site plan.

Valley Announces Summer Learn-To-Swim Classes

AKRON - Free swim lessons will be available to patrons of the Tippecanoe Valley School Corp. during its Summer Learn-to-Swim program.

Washington STEM Students Get Dental Examinations

Students at Washington STEM Academy received dental examinations from Drs. Michael E. Thomas and Charles Hassel and dental assistants Sydney Braun and Norma Hassel.