Silver Lake Prepares For Community Center
February 13, 2025 at 6:17 p.m.
SILVER LAKE – At Wednesday night's meeting, the Silver Town Council finalized a donation agreement with Kerlin Motor Company, who is donating the land for a community center, and signed a $2,500 contract for an environmental study of the 10-acre property.
The land donation agreement will include an assurance that the barn on the property will be demolished by March 31, the deadline for acquiring the land before the town can apply for grants to build the community center.
An employee handbook meeting, open to the public, was scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Feb. 26.
The town is purchasing a new Exmark mower, $12,000 after trade-in, to replace the current 2010 model.
Council also approved a 10-year contract renewal with Leary Construction for $9,310 to service the town's water tower.
Council discussed possible dates for Silver Lake Days with local residents in attendance and heard complaints on delays in trash pickup and noise pollution from semis idling in town during off-duty hours.
Town Marshal Jason McGlennen said out of the five applicants for deputy marshal, one has academy training. Council members will interview candidates as selected.
Fire Chief John Conley reported six runs this month: four medical calls, one assist with Wabash Co. and one car fire.
Spring cleanup was scheduled for May 17.
Council will next meet at 7 p.m. March 12.
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SILVER LAKE – At Wednesday night's meeting, the Silver Town Council finalized a donation agreement with Kerlin Motor Company, who is donating the land for a community center, and signed a $2,500 contract for an environmental study of the 10-acre property.
The land donation agreement will include an assurance that the barn on the property will be demolished by March 31, the deadline for acquiring the land before the town can apply for grants to build the community center.
An employee handbook meeting, open to the public, was scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Feb. 26.
The town is purchasing a new Exmark mower, $12,000 after trade-in, to replace the current 2010 model.
Council also approved a 10-year contract renewal with Leary Construction for $9,310 to service the town's water tower.
Council discussed possible dates for Silver Lake Days with local residents in attendance and heard complaints on delays in trash pickup and noise pollution from semis idling in town during off-duty hours.
Town Marshal Jason McGlennen said out of the five applicants for deputy marshal, one has academy training. Council members will interview candidates as selected.
Fire Chief John Conley reported six runs this month: four medical calls, one assist with Wabash Co. and one car fire.
Spring cleanup was scheduled for May 17.
Council will next meet at 7 p.m. March 12.