Roger Grossman
Roger Grossman

Roger Grossman

The Penalty Box: The School Year Of A Lifetime

I do not have to explain to you that Warsaw has a long history of success in athletics.

The Penalty Box: What Drives Us Nuts About Sports Tickets

When I was driving home from Indianapolis last week, I had a couple of hours to think about a lot of different things.

The Penalty Box: The Joy Of Understanding

I got into the radio business because I wanted to broadcast big games like the one the Warsaw girls basketball team will play Saturday night in Indianapolis.

The Penalty Box: American Leagues Blinded By Expansion

I am not, by nature, a businessman.

The Penalty Box: Life Will Never Be Fair

I hope one of the common themes you get from my weekly offerings is the concept that sports and everyday life are connected in almost every way.

The Penalty Box: Thin Ice Ruins The Winter

Fishing is my favorite hobby.

The Penalty Box: Girls Basketball’s Golden Moment

We are on the verge of the Indiana girls basketball state tournament, which starts next Tuesday. This tournament is a big deal every year, but this one is different.

The Penalty Box: How To Win A Championship Game

As I watched the final seconds of Monday night’s College Football Playoff Championship game tick off and Ohio State claim the title, I was reminded of a simple truth that has not changed for as long as championship games have been held.

The Penalty Box: Notre Dame And Ohio State Is Perfect

Perfect” is such an inappropriate word. Virtually nothing is perfect, and we use the word incorrectly about 90-percent of the time.

The Penalty Box: Post-Holiday Leftovers

The holidays are filled with traditions. You do not need me to list them back to you—you know full well what I am talking about.

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