Heather Barron, Warsaw Community Public Library director, told the city council Tuesday that her staff often get compliments about how beautiful the library building is, but if a person looks closely they can see signs of aging on the facility.
The first of two public meetings on the city of Warsaw Public Works Building project drew no members of the public Tuesday at the Redevelopment Commission meeting.
As part of Kosciusko County Community Coordinator Amy Roe’s fourth quarter report to the county council Thursday, representatives of We Lead Kosciusko shared information about the initiative.
In between updates on projects out at the Warsaw Municipal Airport, the Board of Aviation Commissioners approved three invoices during a relatively short meeting Tuesday.
As the town of Syracuse is landlocked as far as development goes, Syracuse Town Councilman Larry Siegel asked the Kosciusko County Commissioners Tuesday for a letter to the state legislature asking for the town to be able to annex land that isn’t contiguous to it.