The Return Of Congress

They're baaack. Our congressmen, that is.It is the 109th Congress and it's back in session. It will be quite interesting to watch these guys operate this time around. There are some pretty weighty issues to deal with.And at the risk of being accused of a lack of fairness, I must say the last thing a congressman wants to do is take a stand on a weighty issue. But that's the dilemma into which the congressmen of the 109th have been thrust. Do we make those tax cuts permanent? Do we expand that prescription drug benefit? How much do we spend on the war in Iraq? Do we reinvent Social Security? What about immigration and federal caps on medical lawsuits? They've pretty much already written off any meaningful income tax reform for this session. And the spending, my word, the spending. I used to be critical of Bill Clinton because discretionary spending during his administration was running at an average annual growth rate of 2.4 percent a year.

Milford Awaits Word On Police Grant

MILFORD - Not until Friday will Milford know if they will receive grant money for a new police officer, Milford Town Marshal David Hobbs told the Milford Town Council Monday. He said they're not on the list for not getting the grant, but he doesn't know if they're on the list for getting one, either.However, he said, if they don't get one this year, they most likely will get one in 2001. The grant money would come in handy for the town.This week, Hobbs said, they will be short officers.Officer Lou Mediano is out on medical leave and another officer will be out due to a family health problem. Another officer was approved by the town council to work some of the time for the town.Tim Miller, a Winona Lake officer, will receive $15 per hour.The grant that pays for Miller to be on the Winona Lake police force runs out this year and, Hobbs said, Miller is applying for a full-time position in Milford. Hobbs said he didn't know how long Miller will be needed.

Decision '99: Field set for town, city elections

Republicans and Democrats in Warsaw and Winona Lake are now set to decide May 4 who will be their standard-bearers for the general municipal election in November. Joining the previously announced candidates in Warsaw is Jeff Grose, Republican candidate for the District 1 city council seat against Bruce Woodward.Albert Smith will be unopposed in seeking the Democratic nomination for the District 5 seat. Grose, a current member of the Warsaw Plan Commission, said he wants to put the experience he's gained through serving on the Warsaw Plan Commission and through teaching government at Warsaw Community High School into practice on the city council.

Whitko To Try Report Cards Without Grades

PIERCETON - Report cards without letter grades? Whitko School Corp.Director of Curriculum Diana Showalter told the school board Monday they are looking at changes in the elementary school report cards to reflect the new Indiana academic standards. Several teachers in grades K-5 will "pilot" the new report cards during the 2002-03 school year to see how they work. The report cards will tell if a student is meeting the standards and at what levels in the areas of English/language arts, mathematics, science, social studies and health.Levels include: not yet (hasn't been tested yet), does not meet standard, basic, proficient or advanced.The students also will be evaluated on effort because, Showalter said, what students produce and how much effort goes into them are two different things. Showalter said there are teachers who want to try the new report cards at different grade levels.No teacher is being coerced into using them.

In the Kitchen with Warsaw Area Career Center

As the Culinary Arts program grows at the Warsaw Area Career Center, so too do the goals.

Pierceton Man Fulfills Dream By Restoring Yacht

Tim May got his first sailboat when he was 13 years old.

Robertson Named Principal of Jefferson Elementary

One of Warsaw Community School’s own graduates now is leading Jefferson Elementary School.

Wish for Our Heroes Benefit Held at ML Motorsports Hangar

The “Red White and You Barbecue” benefit for the Wish For Our Heroes organization was Sunday in Warsaw.

Tease photo

Jerry Lee Rathbun

Tease photo

Fick, Surrounded By Friends, Is Veteran Of The Month

County To Consider Raising 911 Fees

An increase in the number of people using cellular phones and canceling their landlines is making it difficult for Kosciusko County to fund its 911 service, according to County Auditor Sue Ann Mitchell.

The Salvation Army Looking For Brass To Start Band

That brass instrument up in the attic collecting dust now can be put to good use. The Salvation Army is launching a music program to teach music to children.Capt.Jody Dalberg said the Salvation Army always has focused on brass instruments throughout its history."We still thrive on that," he said.The new music program will teach children how to play brass instruments. "I started when I was in fourth grade both at school and in church," said Dalberg of his own experiences. For children still too young to play an instrument, he said the Salvation Army is starting a children's choir so they learn the basics of music. But to get the music program going, Dalberg said they are looking for instruments - trumpets, cornets, alto horns, baritones, euphoniums and tubas.

'Kickstart' Workforce Training to Kick Off Soon

A workforce training bootcamp will accept its first 12 students as early as May, the Kosciusko County Economic Redevelopment Commission heard Thursday.

Drummond 40th

Tom and Jean Drummond, Winona Lake, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary June 1.

Mullinix 50th

John and Carol Tom Mullinix will mark their 50th wedding anniversary Nov. 7, 2008.

Parsons 40th Anniversary

Steve and Judy Parsons, Albion, marked their 40th wedding anniversary Sept. 2.


William "Frank" Tackett, Warsaw, and the former Beverly J. Smith, Leesburg, were married Oct. 19, 1959, in Warsaw.