Sacrifices Required

FSSA Announces Contractor Security Breach Affecting Indiana Medicaid Members

INDIANAPOLIS – The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration on Friday announced that software used by a contractor experienced a security breach that exposed certain personal information of Indiana Medicaid members.

Banks Keeps Aggressive Election Campaign Going

Republican nominee Jim Banks’ odds of winning Indiana’s 3rd Congressional District race Tuesday look very good.

Grace Urges Students To Submit FAFSA

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, the form by which federal and state governments determine students’ financial need, can significantly help cover the cost of college tuition, room and board.

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TVSC Awarded Secured School Safety Grant

Two Arsonists Sentenced

Sheila Kay Grevenstuk, 34, and Michael Grevenstuk, 34, were each sentenced Thursday in Kosciusko Superior Court to four years in prison for arson, a Class C felony.However, Mrs.Grevenstuk had two years of her sentence suspended for probation and Mr.Grevenstuk's whole term was suspended. Believing that Mrs.Grevenstuk was more culpable than her husband, Prosecutor David Kolbe asked the judge to consider sending her to prison if he felt that one of the parents should remain in the home with their four children. "I believe that (Mrs.Grevenstuk) is the brighter of the two," Kolbe said."She was more capable of planning and designing this thing." Judge Robert Burner did choose to imprison Mrs.Grevenstuk over her husband, but said he did so for medical reasons and not because he believed one was more guilty than the other.Mr.Grevenstuk takes six different prescription medications, has had open heart surgery and suffers from a back injury.

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CCS Holds Fundraising Open House, Unveils Plans For New Building

Combined Community Services has purchased land to build a new facility to meet its clients needs more effectively.

Response To Borrowing

Editor, Times-Union:Don’t let emotion trump fact and logic.

Manchester Schools Scammed Out Of $1.2M; Wieland Resigns

NORTH MANCHESTER – Manchester Community  Schools Superintendent Kyle Wieland announced his resignation after the school corporation confirmed it was scammed of $1.2 million.

Walorski's Silence

Editor, Times-Union:At the Wabash debate Oct. 21 between Bock and Walorski, the following was asked of both candidates: “In your campaigns both of you have mentioned ‘Social Security’ and ‘Medicare.’ What needs to occur, if anything, regarding these programs for both current and future recipients of these benefits?”

2006 Will Be An Intriguing Election Year

The 2006 election should be quite interesting. The Democrats are chomping at the bit.They believe - and they may be right - that W has made the Republicans vulnerable. W's popularity is falling.Support for the war in Iraq is dwindling and the economy, while still strong, is being threatened by rising gas prices. There is an outfit in Washington, D.C.called Democracy Corps.It boasts members such as notable liberal political strategists as James Carville, Stanley Greenberg, Karl Angle and Robert Shrum. Basically, the group conducts surveys to get a feel for what Americans are thinking. They're looking for ideas and issues that they can use to get more Democrats elected.

'Bicycle Bandit' Has Town On Edge

It used to be the kind of town where people simply didn't worry about locking their doors and windows at night. No more. A string of residential break-ins over the spring, summer and fall has Warsaw-area homeowners scurrying to find ways to beef up their home and personal security systems. "Most people are just downright horrified that people might break in and hurt their loved ones," said Jeff Holladay at Radio Shack. He said Radio Shack is selling "probably three to four times what we normally do" in terms of alarm systems - everything from personal alarms to monitored security systems. The demand for monitored systems, in which a customer pays a monthly fee and any home alarm is answered by a security company, has increased about 25 percent, said Melody Reese, a co-owner of Reese Security Services Inc.on East Winona Avenue.

S. Parker - Payroll Tax Cut Dream Idea for Welfare State

Last year, a one-year cut in the payroll taxes that working Americans pay to finance Social Security was enacted in the name of so-called economic “stimulus.”

WCS Board Hears Update On School Security

In light of last week’s Florida school shooting that left 17 dead, Warsaw Community Schools Chief Academic Officer David Robertson gave the school board an update on school safety and security Monday.

Purdue President Says Rural Values Important To U.S.

PLYMOUTH - "Hoosiers don't sing with emotion about their skyscrapers or a traffic jam.There is something very special about rural Indiana," said Purdue University President Martin Jischke Wednesday. Jischke was the keynote speaker to more than 200 women attending the third annual Midwest Women in Agriculture conference presented by Purdue University Extension. The two-day event, held at Swan Lake Resort west of Plymouth, was designed to address personal, family and farm issues to meet the unique needs of women. Jischke's talk began the second day of the conference, and he began by saying that since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, Americans want rural values back. "It is time for universities like Purdue to step up," he said.He was part of the Kellogg Commission established in 1998 that studied how land grant public universities like Purdue could become more involved in local communities.

Ellis Joins Edward Jones

Edward Jones Financial Advisor Craig Tidball recently announced that a second financial advisor, Jason Ellis, joined the office in Warsaw.