Lois I. Hill

NORTH MANCHESTER – Lois I. Hill, 94, of North Manchester, and formerly of the Roann and Laketon areas, died at 2:15 p.m. June 14, 2012, at Peabody Retirement Community, North Manchester. 

Zoners Reject Variance

The Warsaw Board of Zoning Appeals rejected a request for a use variance Monday that would have permitted the construction of a 50-unit retirement facility. The petition by Retirement Management Inc., of Carmel, sought authorization to build the facility on a three-acre tract at 1849 Springhill Road. According to Rick Helm, the attorney representing RMI, the use variance was sought to protect the adjoining property owners in the Springhill Acres subdivision from the possibility of other high-intensity uses if a rezoning to multi-family residential was obtained.

After Nearly 40 Years, Welborn Retiring

After 39-1/2 years of teaching, Madison Elementary School first-grade teacher Sally Welborn is retiring at the end of this school year.

Bell Library Anticipates Grant Approval

MENTONE - With the paperwork completed on the grant for the proposed Bell Memorial Public Library, officials are waiting to hear whether the project can move forward. For more than a year, the library - with the help of the Mentone Town Council - has been trying to secure funding to purchase the old Frank Mfg.building owned by the Saemann Foundation.If the $500,000 grant from the Indiana Department of Commerce is awarded in May, the library will take over the facility, where senior citizen and day care centers also are planned. One of the reasons the library is looking to relocate is because of overcrowded conditions that make it difficult to accommodate the technological upgrades, as well as regular programs that take place in the library. According to library director Lorna Klein, BMPL is being highly utilized, with circulation up by 34 percent in 2000 from 1999. The library will be celebrating its increased circulation during National Library Week April 1-7.

Syracuse Library Director To Retire

SYRACUSE - Rosalyn Jones is close to shelving her last periodical at the Syracuse Public Library after 40 years as library director. Jones announced a retirement date of early 2006.She plans to assist the new director, whoever that may be. "Hopefully, I'll be training someone for a couple of months," she said."So, January or February, some time around then." Jones has been the director longer than anyone else in the library's 85-year history.She ushered out the paper-based card catalog system and brought in computers and the data-based catalog. Syracuse has had a circulating library since 1908.It was in the southeast basement room of the consolidated school building, across the street from the present library at 115 E.Main St. In 1916, the Carnegie Corp.offered grants of $10,000 to communities across the country interested in creating public libraries.

Triton Superintendent Steps Down, High School Principal Steps Up

BOURBON - Triton School Corp.Superintendent Rex Roth is in his 13th year with the school corporation.This is his last year.Roth will retire next summer. "I think it's time to move aside and let someone with more energy than me (take over)," Roth said. And that someone is Triton Junior-Senior High School Principal Ted Chittum. "I think we're very fortunate to have someone with Ted's experience, interest in the job and energy level available," Roth said. Now in his second year as high school principal, Chittum will assume his new position in July when Roth leaves.Roth submitted his resignation two weeks ago, but school board members have known for more than a year that Roth was considering retirement.So board members had time to consider a replacement.

Stewart Graduates Training

COLUMBUS, Ga. - Army Pfc. Peter M. Stewart graduated from the Special Forces Candidate One-Station Unit Training at Fort Benning, Columbus, Ga.

Moyer Graduates Training

Army Pvt. Christian Moyer graduated from the Infantryman One Station Unit Training at Fort Benning, Columbus, Ga. The training consists of Basic Infantry Training and Advanced Individual Training.

Whitko School Board Fires Popular Nurse

PIERCETON -ÊThe controversy surrounding the termination of Whitko School Nurse Sharon Lee was put to rest Monday night when the Whitko School board voted to fire her. Despite numerous protests and petitions presented against the action, the board voted four to one for her termination in a role call vote.Mike Braddock was the only board member to vote against the termination. Before the vote, 11 members of the public spoke up in Lee's defense.Then Lee stepped before the board to present her own case. "I want to thank everybody, this is very humbling," said Lee while facing the audience and fighting back tears."When I was hired 12 years ago, I was hired by the superintendent and the assistant superintendent.I had no intentions of staying 12 years.I thought I would be here only a few years and move on.


Editor, Times-Union:I want to speak on my friend Brad Jr.’s comment he made about meth.

House Approves 13th Check For State's Public Retirees

STATEHOUSE – Legislation co-authored by state Reps. David Abbott (R-Rome City) and Craig Snow (R-Warsaw) providing a 13th check to retired public employees is one step closer to becoming law after the Indiana House of Representatives unanimously approved the measure.

Tease photo

‘Singin’ In The Rain’ Actors Have Theater In Their Blood

Once they got bit by the theater bug, the three leads of Wagon Wheel Center for the Arts’ production of “Singin’ in the Rain” never looked back.

South Central EMS Hosts State Visitors

SILVER LAKE - Two state emergency management agency representatives did a little cowboying Saturday afternoon, and headed off what could have been a stampede of a meeting at the pass. Amid accusations of the service not being available or not responding in a timely fashion, State Operations Manager Bernie White made it clear the meeting was an in-service for members of the South Central Kosciusko Emergency Medical Service. "I'm here at the request of several people," White said."Just so everyone is on the same page.It's not unusual that I'm here." In-service meetings are regularly held as part of state requirements for certification. Rules and regulations books were distributed to members. White, regional manager, oversees 138 emergency medical services in 18 counties. A soft-spoken, slow-speaking man, White explained that some of the rules required by the state EMS commission are specific, some are vague.

Hasse Graduates Training

Air Force Airman Nathan P. Hasse graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

Newcomer Graduates Training

Air Force Airman Travis W. Newcomer graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

Boals Graduates Training

Air Force Airman Joseph C. Boals graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

Castle Graduates Training

Air Force Airman Ryan L. Castle graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

Meeks Graduates Training

Air Force Airman Brittany A. Meeks graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

Valley Recognizes Four Retiring Teachers

During its meeting Monday, the Tippecanoe Valley School Board recognized four long-time teachers who are retiring at the end of the school year.

Syracuse OKs Road Plan

Syracuse - If the downsized version of the highway expansion project were constructed this year, it would cost about $888,000, according to information provided by an engineering firm Monday. The cost estimate was part of a letter drafted by Butler, Fairman and Seufert, an Indianapolis firm, that will be sent to Indiana Department of Transportation indicating the town's support for the project. Town council recommended approval of the letter after months of consideration. The revised project would involve the portion of Huntington Street from Chicago Street to a point north of the railroad tracks.The original plan extended southward for about a half mile through the town's business district. Town council scaled back the original plans because of the total cost of the project and opposition from business owners and other people in the community.