Remember When 02.20.2010

10 Years AgoMentone firefighter Frank Hardesty has retired from the Mentone Fire Department after serving 40 years.During his tenure, Hardesty served as first lieutenant and secretary for the department and was voted 1979 Mentone Fireman of the Year. Even though he has retired, Hardesty plans to help the department when needed.25 Years AgoMajor renovation of downtown Warsaw storefronts may soon begin when low interest loans are made available to business owners through the new Warsaw Facade Restoration Program.The Warsaw Common Council took a significant step to promote the economic and physical revitalization of the downtown district. The council entered into a joint venture with local financial institutions to provide low interest loans to business owners for renovating the facades of their stores.50 Years AgoPhyllis Shively, was awarded a sterling silver medal by the Tippecanoe River Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution for an essay on "The Wilderness Road." Sherry Wright received a certificate of merit for her entry, "Historic Trails," in the chapter's annual contest for history students. Another merit award went to Arlene Reichert for a paper on "The Mormon Trail."The girls read their essays at a recent meeting of the DAR chapter in the home of Mrs. Ralph Mason, Etna Green. Paul Gilman, Bourbon High School history instructor, was a guest.75 Years AgoMr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter recently celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary at their home at Winona Lake. The couple were married Feb. 15, 1883, in Michigan, and came to Winona Lake 15 years ago from Chicago. Mrs. Hunter, for the past 15 years, has been in charge of the missionary home at Winona Lake, and Mr. Hunter has been mail distributor at Winona Lake for the same length of time.

Tease photo

North Webster Church Of God Donates $25,000 To JCAP

$100K Winning Powerball Ticket Sold In Warsaw

Educators work with police to keep schools safe

Tuesday's events at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., have students and parents across the country wondering, what if it happened here? In Warsaw, crisis teams at each school building have worked with the Warsaw Police Department on assessing safety procedures, school superintendent Dr.Lee Harman said Tuesday. Security measures, including locking all doors in schools except the door nearest each office, and identifying visitors with badges, have been instituted in Warsaw schools. "We are and we have been doing what we think we can do to prepare ourselves and to keep our kids safe," Harman said. Paul Crousore, principal of Warsaw Community High School, said the school has general guidelines to follow but it is impossible to develop plans to deal with every crisis that may occur. He also said the school administration treats every threatening rumor seriously and investigates it thoroughly.

Leesburg Continues Discussion Of Sewer System

LEESBURG - The Leesburg Town Council met Monday and the issue of a sewer system in the town once again was at the forefront. Joe Tierney and Julia Graham of GRW Engineers in Indianapolis presented several options for sewer systems. Michael Aylesworth, who was appointed to director of the Northern Regional Office of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management June 1, also was present. Aylesworth, an appointee of Governor Mitch Daniels, said the goal of Daniels' administration was for entities like IDEM to take a more hands-on approach to small town issues such as Leesburg's sewer dilemma. The board noted it was the first time a representative of IDEM's Northern Regional Office was present at a town board meeting. The town signed an agreed order Jan.10 that puts into action steps towards having a sewer on-line by 2008 and in operation sometime between April and September 2009.

Milford OKs Bond Resolution For Waste Treatment Plant

MILFORD - Taking another step toward the water and sewer treatment plant improvement project, the Milford Town Council Monday adopted a resolution for the bonding of the project. Jerimi Ullom, of Barnes & Thornburg, Indianapolis, the financial consultant for the project, said the ordinance just provides for the maximum number of bonds at the maximum rate for a maximum number of terms.When the bonds for the project are closer to being sold, a more definitive ordinance will need to be approved. The estimated maximum cost for the project is $1.85 million; maximum number of bonds to be sold are 1.5 million; and the maximum interest rate is to be 6 percent. The ordinance, Ullom said, empowers the town council president and the town's clerk-treasurer to execute the bonds and deliver them to the purchaser when the time comes.It also authorizes bond anticipation notes.

Local News Briefs 3.23.2019

Ivy Tech Fort Wayne And Warsaw To Host Enrollment Days For Summer, Fall; Parkview Warsaw Center For Healthy Living Hosts Check-Up Day Tuesday; Jellybean Jog Scheduled For April 13

County Council Cancels April Meeting

Portfolio Review And Adjustments For The New Year

As we settle into 2024, with our first real taste of Indiana winter this weekend, it is a good time to review your investments and potentially make adjustments based on your results in 2023.

Beware Of The Various Risks Posed To Your Financial Portfolio

While many investors tend to think of fixed income investments as less risky than stock investments, fixed income investments face a variety of other risks as well.

Avoiding Common Investment Traps Along Life’s Path

Planning for retirement should really start as soon as you get your first real job, but it should continue through each stage of life. Each has its own challenges and common mistakes to avoid.

Avoid Common Investment Pitfalls Along Your Road To Retirement

Planning for retirement should really start as soon as you get your first real job, but it should continue through each stage of life.

Cyr - The Value of Compromise

“A Bridge Too Far’’ may prove the best title for President Barack Obama’s photo op stop at a dilapidated river bridge linking Kentucky and Ohio, respective home states of Republican Congressional leaders Mitch McConnell and John Boehner. Both have disdained current White House budget and tax proposals as dead on arrival.

How Stocks And The Stock Market Work

The Bucket Approach Can Help You Construct Your Retirement Portfolio

The bucket approach is an asset allocation strategy that divides your retirement resources into three pools, or buckets, based on when you will access the money.

The Politics Of Snooping

I get a kick out of the politics of the snooping “scandal” going on in Washington.

This Is A Safe Harbor?

It's tough for me to understand what in the world the W administration was thinking when it cut a deal with the United Arab Emirates company to manage six U.S.ports. It puts Dubai Ports in charge of major terminal operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. I guess the main question I have is, "Are you nuts?" That's because so many aspects of this thing seem really bizarre to me. First of all, the fact that W himself didn't know about it until after the fact is just crazy. Apparently, the White House acknowledged W was unaware of the pending sale until the deal had been already approved by his administration. Honestly, it took some 12 departments, including Homeland Security, Justice, Treasury and Commerce to sign off before this deal could be inked, so it's not like it was some huge secret or anything. But now that it has come to light, W is facing a huge political rebellion in Washington.

Lancers Sail Beyond Grasp Of Bethel Pilots

WINONA LAKE -ÊWhen two closely matched rivals meet, there are only a few things a person may count on: the sell out crowd, the intensity of the players, and the fact that only one team will walk away victorious. Saturday proved to be no exception, when the men's basketball team of Grace College hosted the Bethel Pilots in a heated competition that eventually ended with Grace on top by a score of 92- 80 in overtime. Earlier on in the season, the two teams collided at Bethel, where the Pilots walked away with a decisive victory.The two teams have built up a legacy of sorts over the years. Before Saturday's match up, the two teams had gone head to head a total of 93 times, with the Lancers coming out just in front of the Pilots, leading the series 47-46. Now, after the victory this weekend, the Lancers take another step forward and the series sits at 48-46.

Warsaw VB Team Wraps Up Season With Win

On an evening when seven volleyball players were honored, Warsaw made Senior Night special by defeating Lakeland 15-12, 15-4. In game one, Warsaw took an early 2-0 lead before Lakeland's Jennifer Calhoun served up four straight points.Then senior Andrea Saldivar stepped to the serving line and tied the score at 4-all. After seven possession changes, Lakeland went on a five-point run and took a 9-4 lead. "It wasn't our normal lineup tonight," said Warsaw coach Tanya Coon."We were trying to get all the seniors in the lineup.The girls were playing positions they do not normally play.That was probably part of it (falling behind).It was also very emotional because it was Senior Night." Then Warsaw sophomore Nicole DeFord, and seniors Lindsay Woods and Kara Kesler combined to tie the score at 9-all. Senior Amie Poling stepped to the line next and served one point to give the Tigers their first lead since the beginning of the game, 10-9.