KDI Transfers Land Options To Agribusiness Firm

Months ago, Kosciusko Development Inc.was asked by the Louis Dreyfus Corp.to secure land purchase options. KDI chairman Roger Moynahan said Wednesday the company requested KDI to transfer those options to them, in exchange for reimbursement, which was approved by the board. In a May announcement, Dreyfus proposed building a $100 million soybean processing plant near Claypool as phase one of a three-step process, which includes a biodiesel plant and ethanol plant. "This does not mean they will exercise those options," Moynahan said."This only tells me they are interested.We do hope it all works out for the county and the company." President Joy McCarthy-Sessing said she talked to Mickey Maurer of the Indiana Economic Development Commission a couple of weeks ago.Maurer said, according to McCarthy-Sessing, the state is ready to close the deal, the company is not.An air permit is pending with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

Lake City Bank Receives National Honor

County Officials Define Holidays

Times-Union Staff Writer What's the meaning of Christmas? What do you hope the new year brings? And, what do you want for Christmas? These three questions were asked to the Kosciusko County elected officials, employees and department heads this week.While they answered the questions differently, their answers were pretty similar in their themes - peace, family and security. Stephanie Essenwein, county treasurer, said, "I think the meaning of Christmas is different to different people, and hopefully we can all dig deep into our hearts and find the peace and happiness to fulfill the new year." First and foremost, said county auditor Sue Ann Mitchell, Christmas means the birth of the Christ child.That, she said, should be the center of our lives.Second is family.As an only child, Mitchell said, family has always been important to her.

Blame Failure On Democrats

Editor, Times-Union:Celebrating failure and calling it success is still failure.

Retirees could face benefit reductions

On Nov.9, Dana Corp., as part of its plans to emerge from bankruptcy as a "financially viable" company, announced proposed cost reductions, including decreasing retiree health and welfare costs. Assets in Dana's pension plans are protected by federal law.Dana is in compliance with the contribution requirements of ERISA and IRS regulations, and expects to continue to make all required pension contributions, according to Dana Corp.Any planned merger of pension plans will not affect the design or calculation of benefits under the individual plans, and will not impact the payment of benefits to retirees.

New Claypool Clerk Resigns for Illness

CLAYPOOL – New Claypool Clerk-treasurer Elizabeth Brewer will resign March 1 for health reasons, town council heard Monday.

OrthoPediatrics Announces New CFO

OrthoPediatrics Corp. announced today that Fred L. Hite has been named chief financial officer, effective Feb. 2.

Ortho Announcement Set Wednesday

In a release from the Kosciusko County Community Foundation, a news conference for a "major announcement for the Warsaw/Kosciusko County community" will be unveiled Wednesday.

Evacuation Box

Government Should Heed IMF Warning

Ever hear of the International Monetary Fund? That's the outfit that tries to keep all the different currencies of the world stable. According to the IMF's Web site, "the IMF is an international organization of 184 member countries.It was established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment." Now, the IMF certainly has its detractors. Cato Institute Fellow Doug Bandow thinks it should be abolished. Bandow says the main push for U.S.funding of the IMF comes from American businesses because IMF loans are "a backdoor method of seeding foreign economies with money to buy U.S.goods." Bandow says these businesses would be the only losers if we ceased the operations of the IMF. He says the IMF: * Is shamelessly eager to lend.

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City Council OK’s Resolution & Ordinance For Gatke Development Project

With the Gatke mixed-use development project expected to begin sometime this year, the Warsaw Common Council approved a resolution and an ordinance on first reading Tuesday to help move it along.


Democrat Candidate for 3rd District Speaks in Warsaw

The biggest issue facing Indiana is the need to get its financial house in order, congressional candidate Kevin Boyd told a gathering in Warsaw Tuesday.

Wawasee Considers Building Needs

SYRACUSE - A demographic study is the first step in upgrading buildings in the Wawasee school system. Upon superintendent Mark Stock's recommendation, the school board Tuesday approved hiring two consultants to conduct the study.The last demographic study was done in 1990. Stock said the study would provide information on birth rates, housing starts, past enrollment, enrollment projections, a facility analysis, a financial analysis, and a study of year-round education.This information will help the board determine what improvements are necessary and whether to consider a building project. Stock said a new law requires the study of year-round education; he doesn't believe the corporation will have to go this route."Our problem is not overcrowding, but updating," he said. The study will cost $11,000.

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HELP, Local Schools And Partner Organizations Offer Countywide Student Entrepreneurship Program

Hoosier Enduring Legacy Program (HELP) Kosciusko, along with nonprofit Believe in a Dream Inc., came together to recently launch the first cohort of the Kosciusko Student Venture Challenge, an entrepreneurship bootcamp and showcase for local high school students.

Warsaw School Board Debates Whether Security Sufficient

Superintendent Dr. Craig Hintz provided the Warsaw School Board Tuesday with an update on school corporation security.