National Media Protecting Hillary

I was deeply troubled watching the coverage of the Benghazi hearings – where former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified for 11 hours Thursday.

CCS Getting A New Home

A local agency that helps area residents with emergency housing problems will be moving soon to a new home of its own. Combined Community Services, now at 212 E.Market St., Warsaw, will move in a few months to a new location in a former garden center on Prairie Street. Marty Courtney, CCS director, said she expects to sign final real estate papers on the new property next week. CCS was notified in November by its landlord, Reub Williams & Sons Inc., that a buyer was interested in the Market Street property.CCS has been at the Market Street location rent-free since its inception in 1984. Courtney said the new property has several advantages: the building is all on one level and features handicapped accessible entrances and restrooms, it includes room to expand, and it has plenty of parking space. "It's just ideal for us," Courtney said.

KLA Cadets Hear About Social Services

Representatives of Cardinal Center and United Way spoke to the Kosciusko Leadership Academy Tuesday regarding their roles as social service agencies for the surrounding communities. Patricia Coy, of the United Way, and Candy Townsend, of Cardinal Center, spent two hours discussing organizational responsibilities and fielding questions from KLA students. "Working at this type of organization, you quickly learn you can't be everything to everyone," Coy said."You have to focus on donating to companies you believe have higher priorities, and that's a difficult thing to do." Coy said the United Way's main interests deal with collecting funds from local and state organizations and disbursing the funds to chosen recipients. In 2005, the organization collected $1.642 million from the community, and reported a $90,000-$95,000 increase in collection over the last few years.

DeJulia Gives Syracuse Report On Proposed Industrial Park

SYRACUSE - The Syracuse Town Council heard a report Tuesday from Henry DeJulia, town manager, regarding the proposed industrial park.

Warsaw School CAO to Become Madison Principal

After four years in the central administration office, Warsaw Community Schools Chief Accountability Officer Tom Kline will become Madison Elementary School’s newest principal.

Thomasson - Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush?

WASHINGTON - The other day, a good friend came up with an interesting scenario for the ultimate result of the chaotic race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Warsaw Reviews Neighborhood Preservation, Rental Registration Draft Ordinance

Warsaw City Council Monday reviewed a draft of an ordinance that aims to define minimum standards for housing in town.

Triton Holds Community Meeting on 'War on Schools'

BOURBON – Something frightening is happening, Triton officials and parents heard Thursday, and it’s not Halloween – it’s a war on public schools.

Louie Davis

Editor, Times-Union:On May 23rd of this year, a round-table discussion was held at the University of Denver.

Wawasee Looks At Various Ways To Reduce Its Operating Expenses

SYRACUSE - Finding ways to reduce operating expenses in a slow economy has become a major concern for most businesses and private citizens.

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Commissioners OK Sewer District Petition; Council To Vote

After getting the particular estimates they wanted, Kosciusko County Commissioners approved submitting a petition for the formation of the Tippecanoe-Chapman regional sewer district at their meeting this morning.

Thomas - Elite Media Slobbers over Barney Frank

To listen to the “elite” media you’d think that a renowned statesman was regrettably planning to leave the political scene.

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Warsaw Library Board Talks With Firms About Bonds For Possible Repairs, Relocation

The Warsaw Community Public Library’s Board of Trustees heard from Ice Miller and Baker Tilly representatives about bonds during its meeting Monday.

Sheriff's Dept. Gets $229K For School Officers

WASHINGTON, D.C.- U.S.Congressman Tim Roemer announced Tuesday the Kosciusko County Sheriff's Department has been awarded a $229,179 grant. The funds are earmarked to hire two officers to work in area schools through the U.S.Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services program. "Preventing school violence and protecting our students is a top priority for communities across north-central Indiana," Roemer said."These uniformed officers will provide greater security and protection for our children.The COPS program helps local communities hire additional officers, promote community policing, promote safety and fight crime in the manner they think best." The grant is intended to provide $125,000 to fund the salary and benefits of each officer hired to work in the COPS in School program over three years.Warsaw Police Department recently received $250,000 through the COPS in School Program.

OMC Lays Off Entire Syracuse Workforce

SYRACUSE - Following two temporary employee lay-offs at OMC Aluminum Boat Group, Syracuse, Dec.1 and 15, the entire work force received a FedEx notice Wednesday informing them that they would be permanently laid-off. A spokesman at OMC's corporate headquarters in Waukegan, Ill., said today a press release would have been issued to newspapers if the company had wanted them to know about the lay-offs. According to the notice workers received, the operating performance of OMC has been "disappointing" the last few months. "Our efforts to secure additional financing were unsuccessful," Jim Rusk, vice president, human resources, said in the notice."As a result, we must shut down our operations indefinitely and regrettably let go many of our valued employees." The notice also said the layoff of approximately 192 employees was permanent.