Church News, May 24, 2018

Upcoming events include food fundraisers, a rummage sale and boat-in worship services.

Sixth Brethren World Assembly Set For August At WLGBC

Registrations are being accepted for the Sixth Brethren World Assembly, planned Aug. 9-12 in Winona Lake.

Church News, May 17, 2018

Upcoming events include revival meetings, a rummage sale, several food fundraisers and a summer program for kids in area parks.

Church News, May 10, 2018

Upcoming events include several food fundraisers, a free community meal and a Saturday night sing.

Prayer United Warsaw Against The Klan

News spread around Warsaw in April 1999 that the Ku Klux Klan was going to have a rally at the Kosciusko County Courthouse on Saturday, May 8. A few leaders gathered to discuss how the city should respond.

Church News, May 3, 2018

Upcoming events include "Real Beauty Real Girls" sessions and the Christian Motorcyclists Association Run for the Son.

Church News, April 26, 2018

Upcoming events include several food-related fundraisers, a concert by the Dixie Melody Boys and a youth revival.

Church News, April 19, 2018

Upcoming events include several rummage sales and food fundraisers, as well as revival meetings and a guest speaker from Voice of the Martyrs.

Women Unite Under Banner Of?Love To Serve Others

The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary began 50 years ago.

Church News, April 5, 2018

Fish fries and a haystack dinner are among upcoming events.

What's So Good About Good Friday?

I always thought that “Good Friday” was an interesting concept. How could anything be good about a day over 2,000 years ago when an innocent man was crucified on a cross?

Church News, March 29, 2018

Good Friday services and Easter sunrise services are planned at several area churches this weekend. Other events include a bake sale, a free family movie night and Port-A-Pit fundraisers.

Meal, Upper Room Service Thursday In North Manchester

Congregational Christian Church will explore the acts of love offered by Jesus at the Passover meal and beyond in a Maundy Thursday service. 

Church News, March 22, 2018

Upcoming events include a free movie and pizza night, an all-you-can-eat breakfast and special services for Holy Week.

Church News, March 15, 2018

Upcoming events include an auction and other fundraisers, a free community meal and a community Easter egg hunt.