Northern Ireland Woman Brings Others Together Through Music

When you spend time with Marie Lacey you are introduced to someone who just loves life.

Church News, April 18, 2019

Holy Week services are planned at many area churches; other upcoming events include a country breakfast, a Nelson's chicken fundraiser and a concert.

The Church Can Be As Disjointed As Our Culture

One thing I know we need for sure is a “A United Church For A Divided World.”

Church News, April 4, 2019

Upcoming events include several meals, some Lenten events and fun Easter activities, and a men's breakfast.

Church News, March 28, 2019

Several concerts, an Easter egg hunt and a men's breakfast are among upcoming events.

Innocent Lives Are Ruined By Lying Tongues

In this era of the 24-hour news cycle and social media, people are not just implicated of something, they are indicted before all the evidence is in.

St. Anne’s Episcopal Church Has New Rector

The Rev. Ryan Fischer has accepted the call to be the new rector at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Warsaw.

Church News, March 21, 2019

Upcoming events include a free pancake breakfast, a swiss steak supper and Lenten services.

Grace Announces March Chapel Speakers

WINONA LAKE – Grace College is welcoming several speakers to campus, including Dr. Freddy Cardoza, Lonnie Anderson and Ray Chang.

Church News, March 14, 2019

Upcoming events include free community meals, a concert and a rummage/bake sale.

Camp Mack Kicks Off $1.1M Fundraising Campaign

Modernizing facilities, growing the number of campers and more fully using facilities year-round are all part of the “Planting The Future” capital campaign launched by the administration and the Camp Mack board at the annual dinner Friday night.

Symphony Of The Skies Reminds Us God Is In Control

Dr. Don DeYoung, recently retired professor from Grace College and president of the Creation Research Society, has a passion for sharing God through science.

Church News, March 7, 2019

Upcoming events include a gospel concert and several meal fundraisers.

Grace Point Preschool Open House March 12

NAPPANEE – Grace Point Preschool is having open house/registration from 4 to 6 p.m. March 12 at Grace Point Church.