Media's Role In Election

Well, that election took a lot of people by surprise, didn’t it?

What Goes Around, Comes Around

I can see why Democrats are upset with FBI Director Jim Comey.

Why Don’t Rap Lyrics Bother The White House?

Michelle Obama went off on Donald Trump on the campaign trail a week-and-a-half ago.

Who Knows What Trump Is Up To?

I received some interesting correspondence from a reader this week.

How Come Nobody’s Denouncing Hillary?

Donald Trump is a loutish boor, to be sure.

All’s Fair In Politics And Arms Deals

You probably don’t know who Marc Turi is, but that’s OK, because I’m fixing to tell you.

Media Give Hillary A Pass

For decades, there has been a liberal bias in the national media.

Newspaper Tradition Lives On

In 2003, 100 percent ground beef was selling for an average of $1.93 a pound.

Of Course We Don’t Trust The Media

Gallup came out with a poll this week which was not surprising. But at the same time, it was really troubling to me.

Despite Polls, Obama A Bad President

President Barack Obama’s approval rating is hovering around 51 percent this week.

Cost-To-Benefit Ratio Is Deadly For Obamacare

A?week or so ago we ran a story about Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana leaving the individual-insurance marketplace.

The Good And The Bad Of WikiLeaks

Julian Assange is an Australian computer programer who for years has fashioned himself a champion against government overreach. Whether he is a hero or a villain is up for debate.

Hillary Didn’t Intend Or Know A Darn Thing

I realize the national media is awfully busy talking about Donald Trump’s “campaign shakeup” or his latest gaffe.

No, Hillary Hasn’t Been Indicted

Without a doubt, this is the most bizarre election cycle I have ever witnessed.

Welcome To Our New Look

There are some big changes going on here at the Times-Union and we’re pretty excited about it. First of all, our print redesign was launched this week.