I'm Averse To Social Media

I am not averse to technology, but I am averse to social media.

Drug Ads Becoming More And More Annoying

If you hadn't noticed the amount of television time devoted to drug ads, then you may not be viewing as much as I do. It appears they consume more time than the actual program.

The 'W' In Christmas

Gleaned from the internet and author unknown, here is a little story for Christmas.

Salt — Widely Used But Often Misunderstood

Salt (sodium chloride) has been used for millennia and yet most people have no idea about its effect on health or its history.


Rep. Banks Urges Ditching Medical Device Tax By New Year's

Last November, the American people sent a message to Washington: Get things done. With Republican control of both chambers of Congress and the Oval Office, the time to enact pro-growth, pro-innovation policies that benefit American workers and businesses is now.

A?Cancer Journey Ends With A?Light At The End Of The Tunnel

It all began in August, 2016. After a routine, annual mammography, followed by a 3-D ultrasound, a Breast Diagnostic Center (of Ft. Wayne) physician showed  me an approximate 3 millimeter area of tissue that appeared to be cancer.  It would require needle biopsy for confirmation.

Giraffes Unlike Any Other Creature In Many Ways

According to a recent article in the Smithsonian magazine, giraffes are disappearing from Africa before scientists can even begin to understand them. Losing these magnificent animals to poachers would be a tragedy for a number of reasons in addition to the fact that people love watching them.


Early Childhood Provides A Foundation For Learning

Decades of research confirm the deep connection between high-quality early childhood education and subsequent academic success, and yet, as a society, we put early childhood initiatives at the bottom of our budgetary priority lists.


In Support Of Moving The Capital Of Israel To Jerusalem

We are approaching the season of the year when many of our thoughts will turn to Jerusalem.

Politicians Aren’t Honest About Taxes

If you are looking for a pure example of demagoguery, look no further than the debate over the tax bill.

Candidate Says Ending Net Neutrality Regulation Is A?Bad Idea

Small business owners, how do you feel about your website being blocked or slowed because bigger companies are paying internet providers more than you are?


Local 7th-Graders To Attend Commemoration At Pearl Harbor

Planes appeared. Bombs fell. Ships sank. Men died. Dec. 7, 1941.

Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Errors, Has Health Benefits

Mindfulness is awareness, cultivated by paying attention in a sustained and particular way; on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally. It is one of many forms of meditation.

Event Aimed At Opioid Crisis Planned Dec. 11

There’s an important community event scheduled for Dec. 11. It’s billed as a community call to action with regard to the opioid crisis.


Several Public Works Projects Slated for 2018

With 2018 just around the corner, I thought it might be good to spend a little time discussing a variety of public projects that are slated to commence next year.