Trump’s Words Don’t Match His Policies

Only President Donald Trump knows why he says what he does.

Missing Wheelbarrow

Dems Underestimate Putin

Real Enemies Of America

Even Today, Menstruation Shrouded In Shame, Secrecy

In some places women are considered polluted, even toxic, while on their periods, and an oppressive regime has evolved around this natural bodily function. 

Shining A Light On Untold Stories

An outfit called Judicial Watch released a bunch of government reports July 10.

Lessons Learned In A Small Church Build Foundation For Life

I tell people that I had a “drug problem” when I was growing up — my parents drug me to church every time the doors were open.

Ticks Are Much More Dangerous Than We Thought

Residents in the Midwest are generally aware that ticks carry the bacteria that cause Lyme disease. But ticks are responsible for other fatal diseases as well.

Continued Insect Decline Could Be Harmful To Earth

Not too many years back, smeared tiny wings, legs and antennas made vision difficult during midsummer drives. Nowadays, a drive through northern New York, for example, yielded barely a blemish.

A Socialist Who Likes Tax Cuts?

Last week I wrote about the Democratic Socialist who won the U.S. Rep. primary in New York’s 14th District. Here are a couple more observations.

North Buffalo Construction In Full Swing

From The Mayor I’m sure you have noticed the North Buffalo Street project construction ramping up this summer.

Obedience Is Part Of Faith

While driving through town there is a sign that catches my attention. In the middle of a red heart on a white background are the words “Obey Jesus.”

The Act Of Breathing Keeps Our Bodies Pretty Busy

Several years ago a siege of bronchitis caused me to suffer with a severe cough that in turn resulted in sudden shortness of breath, gasping for air and likely my demise. Fortunately, a trip to the emergency room, a Medrol dosepack and two inhalers solved my problem. Since then I …

Are Americans Ready For A Socialist?

It’s fun to watch the pendulum of politics swing.

NEWS VIEWS: Both Sides Behaving Badly

President Donald Trump reversed his position on zero tolerance immigration enforcement and separating families at the border.