News Views: The Politics Of The Wall

If you ever wondered what’s wrong with politics and government, look no further for evidence than “the wall.”

Zebrafish — An Amazing Tool For Biomedical Research

Those humble zebrafish swimming gracefully in your aquarium have become excellent models for studying childhood cancer and a host of other diseases.

Guest Column: Thought Crime Legislation Puts Your Liberties in Grave Danger

As the Indiana General Assembly prepares to convene in January, legislation is being proposed that seeks to criminalize the thoughts of Hoosiers.

Christmas Is Hollow Without Jesus

I’m sure the shepherds wondered why their celestial visitors came to them, lowly agricultural workers. They were instructed to go to Bethlehem and see this child who had been born.

Explosive E. Coli Bacteria Can Be Harmless, Even Beneficial

E. coli can double its population in less than two hours under the right conditions, which means that it has the potential to make people, especially children and the elderly, very sick.

Hold All Of Them Accountable

Old-Time Hokum Still Exists In Medical Field

The widespread availability of quack medical products was instrumental in the enactment of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 and the Medical Device Amendments in 1976.

The World Doesn’t Need Fake Religious Folks

I wonder if there are times when people look at followers of Jesus (I’m including myself) and see us being synthetic.

Why Trump?

News Views

State, National Organizations Work To Improve Services For Cities

The latest census estimate (July 2017) for Indiana puts our population at almost 6.7 million. Of that total, 66.3 percent (over 4.4 million) live in a Hoosier city or town. The City of Warsaw population is estimated at 14,478.

Scorpions Are Scary, Nasty – And Have Much To Teach Us

Scorpions deserve multiple entries in the Guinness Book of Records; they are some of the biggest, meanest, longest-lived, most sensitive, most maternal, least fraternal, slowest and quickest creatures among the arachnids and insects.

As Bad As Things Seem In The World, Trust That God Knows The Future

One reporter was talking about the issues of our day and saying that this is one of the darkest moments in our history. I almost laughed out loud.

If You Weren’t Thankful This Year, Don’t Blame Your Body

If someone next Thanksgiving asks you what you are thankful for, I have a suggestion. Why not describe all the things your body does to keep you healthy and alive, the automatic processes you have no control over.

Madagascar Home To Priceless Biological Treasures

Madagascar, a huge island off the southeast coast of Africa, is primarily renowned for its high biodiversity. Proportionate to land area, there is no other zone in the world with higher concentrations of biotic endemism (restricted to a certain country of area) across different species.

Don’t Give Up – Jesus Can Reach The Darkest Soul

It seems at times when we pray the sky is built of brass and our prayers bounce off of its surface, not getting to heaven.