Revised 2nd Amendment

Smaller Print?

Not Trump's Fault

Voting As Self-Defense

Buggy Fees May Be Changing

My column last week about the wheel tax contained an inaccuracy.

County Wrestles With Wheel Tax

County officials are looking at tweaking the wheel tax.

Put Down Your Phones And Give God Some Face Time

My mother, who has since gone to be with the Lord, believed in old-school face time.

The Blame Game

Editor, Times-Union: This last week it was popular for Democrats to blame President Trump and Attorney General Barr for a constitutional crisis. But they are the ones to blame for that and more evils.

Social Media Has Problems Of Its Own

Well, we made it though the election despite all the social media hoopla surrounding the mayor’s race.

Fecal Implants Proving Effective

Could anyone imagine a medical condition that would warrant a patient receiving a stool specimen from a donor to help treat a disease?

When Truth Becomes A Casualty

Tuesday, voters in Warsaw go to the polls to choose the Republican nominee for mayor.

Cry For Our World, Then Pray

We live in sin-sick world that is bent on destruction. People are divided and we don’t listen to one another any more.

The Day The Dinosaurs Died

The discovery of a new fossil site in North Dakota marked the extinction of dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

Declaring Sanctuary Over Guns

On March 31, 2017, I wrote a column about immigration under presidents Trump and Obama.