Court News, Sept. 8, 2018

The following actions have been filed in Kosciusko County Courts:

Sex charge brings 6-year sentence

A former Pierceton man was sentenced Thursday morning to six years in the Indiana Department of Corrections for sexual misconduct with a minor, a level 5 felony.

Cromwell man in Community Corrections

A 31-year-old Cromwell man with a long criminal history was sentenced Thursday to six years in the Indiana Department of Corrections for burglary, but will serve his time in Community Corrections for the effort he’s made in changing his life.

Court New 8.18.2018

Court News, Aug. 11, 2018

The following actions have been filed in Kosciusko County courts:

121/2-Year Sentence Handed Down In Three Separate Cases

A Kosciusko County Jail inmate who was originally charged with eight crimes in three cases, including rape and intimidation of another inmate last year, was sentenced this morning on four of the charges to 12½ years, with all but one year to be served in prison.

Court News 8.4.2018

Manslaughter Case Brings 17.5-Year Term

A Warsaw man who shot at a Warsaw Police officer in February 2017 received a 17½-year sentence this morning in a plea agreement.

Yet Another Judge Punts Fairboard Case

Another judge will have to be appointed to the fairgrounds motorized racing lawsuit.

Condemnation Suit Targets N. Buffalo House

Warsaw city officials on Monday defended attempts to purchase a home in the  Buffalo Street redevelopment project.

Landlord Sues Tenant for $42,283 In Rent

Courthouse Coffee LLC – doing business as Café Mod – is being sued for breach of contract and eviction in Kosciusko Circuit Court.

Court News, June 16, 2018

The following actions have been filed in Kosciusko County courts:

Court News 6.9.18

Court News 6.2.2018

Court News 5.12.2018