Spot Zoning & Data Centers

March 25, 2025 at 1:00 a.m.

Editor, Times-Union:
Property owners - be aware of spot zoning.
Spot zoning gives a zoning classification that is drastically different from the surrounding area.
• It undermines comprehensive plans with inconsistencies.
• It singles out property owners for benefit at the expense of others.
• It disrupts the physical makeup of the land.
• It could lead to lawsuits.
• It could cast the appearance of corruption if public officials use spot zoning to benefit specific businesses or individuals, …and, it causes…. conflict.
The conflict: Is it fair and just for rural families and historical agricultural land be become neighbors to a 554-acre data center?
Let’s think. Whenever there is a conflict, there is also blame. If you are looking to blame someone or something, who is your target?
Is it the data center? Is it the sellers? If you stream movies on Netflix or use Facebook, the blame cannot be placed on data centers. We are all connected. And, you can disagree with the property owners, but everyone in has the right to sell or buy property. The monster in this conflict is spot zoning.
Our county’s comprehensive plan clearly states, “Although new growth and development is encouraged within this comprehensive plan, the protection and preservation of existing agricultural land uses within Kosciusko County should also take priority. New development, while beneficial, can create negative impacts on existing agricultural assets such as drainage and runoff, destruction of prime farmland, and land use conflicts between new and existing land character.”
Our county’s plan took three years to complete. It was complete with careful thought and consideration. Our commissioners adopted this plan to maintain a balanced approach to land management. My question to our commissioners is this. You adopted the plan. Can we rely on its content? If it is trustworthy and reliable information, there is no place for a heavy industrial in the middle of farmland.
Will the owners of this company remain in our community to volunteer or donate to the common good? No.
The life expectancy of this 554-acre complex is 10-20 years. With the fast pace of technology, that number may be shortened. When this complex dies, we will be left with compressed servers and a huge, abandoned concrete complex. What business will want to reclaim an area that is so far from our municipalities and infrastructure? Will more land be rezoned to fill the needs of the data center?
Commissioners, please keep your word and your integrity. Look into alternative building sites, investigate the long-term soil, water, health, and environmental concerns and property owners’ tax consequences. Don’t make a decision you, and all of us, will regret for years to come.
If our commissioners vote in favor of this spot zoning, we will not be feeding food to people, we will be feeding farmland to a temporary, massive 554-acre complex.
Sign the online petition. Enter in your browser. Click the link, complete the form, and hit submit. The Area Plan Commission meets April 2nd. Please take action.
Beth Lamb
Milford, via email

Editor, Times-Union:
Property owners - be aware of spot zoning.
Spot zoning gives a zoning classification that is drastically different from the surrounding area.
• It undermines comprehensive plans with inconsistencies.
• It singles out property owners for benefit at the expense of others.
• It disrupts the physical makeup of the land.
• It could lead to lawsuits.
• It could cast the appearance of corruption if public officials use spot zoning to benefit specific businesses or individuals, …and, it causes…. conflict.
The conflict: Is it fair and just for rural families and historical agricultural land be become neighbors to a 554-acre data center?
Let’s think. Whenever there is a conflict, there is also blame. If you are looking to blame someone or something, who is your target?
Is it the data center? Is it the sellers? If you stream movies on Netflix or use Facebook, the blame cannot be placed on data centers. We are all connected. And, you can disagree with the property owners, but everyone in has the right to sell or buy property. The monster in this conflict is spot zoning.
Our county’s comprehensive plan clearly states, “Although new growth and development is encouraged within this comprehensive plan, the protection and preservation of existing agricultural land uses within Kosciusko County should also take priority. New development, while beneficial, can create negative impacts on existing agricultural assets such as drainage and runoff, destruction of prime farmland, and land use conflicts between new and existing land character.”
Our county’s plan took three years to complete. It was complete with careful thought and consideration. Our commissioners adopted this plan to maintain a balanced approach to land management. My question to our commissioners is this. You adopted the plan. Can we rely on its content? If it is trustworthy and reliable information, there is no place for a heavy industrial in the middle of farmland.
Will the owners of this company remain in our community to volunteer or donate to the common good? No.
The life expectancy of this 554-acre complex is 10-20 years. With the fast pace of technology, that number may be shortened. When this complex dies, we will be left with compressed servers and a huge, abandoned concrete complex. What business will want to reclaim an area that is so far from our municipalities and infrastructure? Will more land be rezoned to fill the needs of the data center?
Commissioners, please keep your word and your integrity. Look into alternative building sites, investigate the long-term soil, water, health, and environmental concerns and property owners’ tax consequences. Don’t make a decision you, and all of us, will regret for years to come.
If our commissioners vote in favor of this spot zoning, we will not be feeding food to people, we will be feeding farmland to a temporary, massive 554-acre complex.
Sign the online petition. Enter in your browser. Click the link, complete the form, and hit submit. The Area Plan Commission meets April 2nd. Please take action.
Beth Lamb
Milford, via email

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