No To Data Center

March 25, 2025 at 1:00 a.m.

Editor, Times-Union:
The current owners of the land for the proposed data center are fine people who have contributed to our community. However, the question is whether a data center is in the best interest of our community.
***Even IF the water and electricity concerns could be alleviated, a data center is NOT the highest and best use of productive farm land.
This land will be productive farm land for one thousand years, if we do not build a data center on it.
The computing power of a large building is now held in the palm of our hands (in our cell phones).
This land will have no value when the data center is abandoned in 20 years. ***Why would we give up a thousand years of productive farm land for a temporary use of the land for a data center that will leave the land useless in just a few years?
It will be cost prohibitive to remove the data center buildings and the concrete to turn the land back to farming.
I am not against data centers. We need them, but we do not need any in our county. e can use “the cloud” provided by data centers in industrial counties or other states. Let data centers be installed in NW Indiana and stay out of agricultural areas.
Craig Nayrocker
Warsaw, via email

Editor, Times-Union:
The current owners of the land for the proposed data center are fine people who have contributed to our community. However, the question is whether a data center is in the best interest of our community.
***Even IF the water and electricity concerns could be alleviated, a data center is NOT the highest and best use of productive farm land.
This land will be productive farm land for one thousand years, if we do not build a data center on it.
The computing power of a large building is now held in the palm of our hands (in our cell phones).
This land will have no value when the data center is abandoned in 20 years. ***Why would we give up a thousand years of productive farm land for a temporary use of the land for a data center that will leave the land useless in just a few years?
It will be cost prohibitive to remove the data center buildings and the concrete to turn the land back to farming.
I am not against data centers. We need them, but we do not need any in our county. e can use “the cloud” provided by data centers in industrial counties or other states. Let data centers be installed in NW Indiana and stay out of agricultural areas.
Craig Nayrocker
Warsaw, via email

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