Reps. Abbott, Snow: New Road Funding Heads To Local Communities
March 10, 2025 at 5:50 p.m.

STATEHOUSE – Indiana's Community Crossings Matching Grant Program awarded local communities over $2.4 million in state funding for local road and bridge projects, according to state Reps. David Abbott (R-Rome City) and Craig Snow (R-Warsaw).
The Community Crossings Matching Grant Program provides local communities funding for road reconstruction, bridge preservation, intersection improvements and other projects. This year, 245 Indiana communities will receive more than $200 million in state matching grants.
"Roadways are essential for daily life and maintaining them is critical for Hoosiers who want to travel regularly and also to support our local businesses," Abbott said. "This funding enables local communities to act faster and make needed repairs and upgrades that may not have otherwise been possible."
Indiana was recently ranked as the best state in the nation for overall road conditions by Consumer Affairs, noting the state’s low rate of traffic fatalities and quality of roads.
Area grant recipients include:
• Leesburg, $71,948
• Nappanee, $922,972
• Syracuse, $565,943
• Warsaw, $929,526.
Snow said to qualify for funding, smaller municipalities must provide a 25% match in local funds, while larger communities must provide a 50% match. The state requires 50% of available matching funds be awarded annually to communities within counties with a population of 50,000 or less. Since 2016, Community Crossings has awarded more than $2 billion to improve local roads and bridges.
"Having safe and reliable roadways will allow for future growth in our communities as well as across the state," Snow said. "It's great to see local units of government taking advantage of this program and working with the state to keep our infrastructure in great shape."
Visit to view a full list of grant recipients and learn more about the program.
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STATEHOUSE – Indiana's Community Crossings Matching Grant Program awarded local communities over $2.4 million in state funding for local road and bridge projects, according to state Reps. David Abbott (R-Rome City) and Craig Snow (R-Warsaw).
The Community Crossings Matching Grant Program provides local communities funding for road reconstruction, bridge preservation, intersection improvements and other projects. This year, 245 Indiana communities will receive more than $200 million in state matching grants.
"Roadways are essential for daily life and maintaining them is critical for Hoosiers who want to travel regularly and also to support our local businesses," Abbott said. "This funding enables local communities to act faster and make needed repairs and upgrades that may not have otherwise been possible."
Indiana was recently ranked as the best state in the nation for overall road conditions by Consumer Affairs, noting the state’s low rate of traffic fatalities and quality of roads.
Area grant recipients include:
• Leesburg, $71,948
• Nappanee, $922,972
• Syracuse, $565,943
• Warsaw, $929,526.
Snow said to qualify for funding, smaller municipalities must provide a 25% match in local funds, while larger communities must provide a 50% match. The state requires 50% of available matching funds be awarded annually to communities within counties with a population of 50,000 or less. Since 2016, Community Crossings has awarded more than $2 billion to improve local roads and bridges.
"Having safe and reliable roadways will allow for future growth in our communities as well as across the state," Snow said. "It's great to see local units of government taking advantage of this program and working with the state to keep our infrastructure in great shape."
Visit to view a full list of grant recipients and learn more about the program.