Hold Your Breath

March 10, 2025 at 5:27 p.m.

Editor, Times-Union:
The Democrat Party has enjoyed the luxury of not having to do much of anything but spend taxpayer money for the better part of the past 16 years. A thorough examination of Legacy network executives would reveal an alarming similarity to many names, both past and present, to Democrat politicians and political operatives. Siblings, spouses and cousins dominate the ranks of many of the liberal “news” programs ... and there’s the rub. Having the protection of 90% of cable and print news media for all those years makes you lazy. Now that the American citizens have woken up to the endless culture wars invented by the left and have turned their attention to real problems, the Democrat party has no message, no ideas and no leader. They’ve become the poster child for petulance, a spoiled breed who haven’t had to work very hard to finance their election campaigns, ignoring the needs of their constituents and basically used the ever-expanding government bureaucracy to launder taxpayer money to fill their campaign coffers. They now realize the gravy train is about to come to an end and, like a spoiled adolescent, the only thing they can think of doing is expressing themselves with songs, foul language and irrational exhibitions of anger.
I believe we are about to embark on revealing the greatest government scandal in the history of our country. A virtual vascular system of money transfers from federal agencies to faceless NGOs (Non-Governmental Office) who transfer it to other NGOs, a confusing money trail purposely created to be almost untraceable. I’m not naive, there have been many involving both Democrats and Republicans, but thanks to a groundswell political action movement back during the Obama administration called the Tea Party, succeeded in purging the Republican party of RINOs (Republican In Name Only). I know there are a few left, but by watching which party is going nuts right now, I’d bet the vast majority of taxpayer ripoffs belong to the Democrats.
So far, the Democrats have opposed trimming the waste, fraud and abuse from our budget voted against banning men from women sports, ridiculed Trump for wanting to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine and, in general, have venomously opposed everything Trump does. The one thing I admire about the Democrat Party is their enormous capacity to willingly humiliate themselves on a national stage. I do have one idea they haven’t tried yet to express their insanity ... hold their breath until Trump caves in to them.
Gerald Roach

Editor, Times-Union:
The Democrat Party has enjoyed the luxury of not having to do much of anything but spend taxpayer money for the better part of the past 16 years. A thorough examination of Legacy network executives would reveal an alarming similarity to many names, both past and present, to Democrat politicians and political operatives. Siblings, spouses and cousins dominate the ranks of many of the liberal “news” programs ... and there’s the rub. Having the protection of 90% of cable and print news media for all those years makes you lazy. Now that the American citizens have woken up to the endless culture wars invented by the left and have turned their attention to real problems, the Democrat party has no message, no ideas and no leader. They’ve become the poster child for petulance, a spoiled breed who haven’t had to work very hard to finance their election campaigns, ignoring the needs of their constituents and basically used the ever-expanding government bureaucracy to launder taxpayer money to fill their campaign coffers. They now realize the gravy train is about to come to an end and, like a spoiled adolescent, the only thing they can think of doing is expressing themselves with songs, foul language and irrational exhibitions of anger.
I believe we are about to embark on revealing the greatest government scandal in the history of our country. A virtual vascular system of money transfers from federal agencies to faceless NGOs (Non-Governmental Office) who transfer it to other NGOs, a confusing money trail purposely created to be almost untraceable. I’m not naive, there have been many involving both Democrats and Republicans, but thanks to a groundswell political action movement back during the Obama administration called the Tea Party, succeeded in purging the Republican party of RINOs (Republican In Name Only). I know there are a few left, but by watching which party is going nuts right now, I’d bet the vast majority of taxpayer ripoffs belong to the Democrats.
So far, the Democrats have opposed trimming the waste, fraud and abuse from our budget voted against banning men from women sports, ridiculed Trump for wanting to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine and, in general, have venomously opposed everything Trump does. The one thing I admire about the Democrat Party is their enormous capacity to willingly humiliate themselves on a national stage. I do have one idea they haven’t tried yet to express their insanity ... hold their breath until Trump caves in to them.
Gerald Roach

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