Kosciusko County
March 5, 2025 at 6:00 a.m.
Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Kosciusko County, Kosciusko, County, Indiana, that the Kosciusko County Commissioners will consider at 100 W Center St – Old Courtroom, Warsaw, Indiana at 9 o’clock am on March 25, 2025, the establishment of a Cumulative Bridge Fund under the provisions of Indiana Code 8-16-3-1 for the purposes as follows:
For all used as set out in IC 8-16-3-1. IC 8-16-3-1 Cumulative Bridge Fund to provide funds for the cost of construction, maintenance and repair of bridges, approaches and grade separations.
The tax will be levied on all taxable real and personal property within the taxing district and will not exceed $0.10 per $100 of assessed valuation. The proposed fund will be levied beginning with taxes due and payable in the year 2026. Taxpayers appearing at such hearing shall have the right to be heard thereon. The proposed tax rate for the Cumulative Bridge Fund is subject to certification by the Department of Local Government Finance.
Within 30 days after the date of the adoption of the cumulative fund by the Kosciusko County Commissioners, the Kosciusko County will publish a Notice of Adoption.
Upon publication of the Notice of Adoption, 25 or more taxpayers in the taxing district may file a petition with the County Auditor not later than noon 30 days after the publication of the Notice of Adoption setting forth their objections to the proposed fund.
Dated this 5th day of March, 2025.
Kosciusko County Commissioners
3-5,12 hspaxlp
Latest News
Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of Kosciusko County, Kosciusko, County, Indiana, that the Kosciusko County Commissioners will consider at 100 W Center St – Old Courtroom, Warsaw, Indiana at 9 o’clock am on March 25, 2025, the establishment of a Cumulative Bridge Fund under the provisions of Indiana Code 8-16-3-1 for the purposes as follows:
For all used as set out in IC 8-16-3-1. IC 8-16-3-1 Cumulative Bridge Fund to provide funds for the cost of construction, maintenance and repair of bridges, approaches and grade separations.
The tax will be levied on all taxable real and personal property within the taxing district and will not exceed $0.10 per $100 of assessed valuation. The proposed fund will be levied beginning with taxes due and payable in the year 2026. Taxpayers appearing at such hearing shall have the right to be heard thereon. The proposed tax rate for the Cumulative Bridge Fund is subject to certification by the Department of Local Government Finance.
Within 30 days after the date of the adoption of the cumulative fund by the Kosciusko County Commissioners, the Kosciusko County will publish a Notice of Adoption.
Upon publication of the Notice of Adoption, 25 or more taxpayers in the taxing district may file a petition with the County Auditor not later than noon 30 days after the publication of the Notice of Adoption setting forth their objections to the proposed fund.
Dated this 5th day of March, 2025.
Kosciusko County Commissioners
3-5,12 hspaxlp