Wawasee To Begin Looking At Student Activity Center

January 14, 2025 at 7:40 p.m.
New Wawasee Community School Corporation Board of Trustees member Mike Fowler and re-elected board member Don Bokhart were given the oath of office during Tuesday’s meeting. Photo by Deb Patterson, InkFreeNews
New Wawasee Community School Corporation Board of Trustees member Mike Fowler and re-elected board member Don Bokhart were given the oath of office during Tuesday’s meeting. Photo by Deb Patterson, InkFreeNews

By Deb Patterson, InkFreeNews

SYRACUSE - Advertisement for hearings for a proposed student activity center received approval by the Wawasee Community School Corporation Board of Trustees Tuesday.
Dr. Steve Troyer, superintendent of schools, prefaced the request by noting over the last two months, “I discussed with the board community meeting efforts, highlighted some of the things that emerged from those conversations. I mentioned that one of the significant talking points from many of the conversations centered around the need for more space for student activities.”
He stated there was a need for more practice and gym space or gym space and more multipurpose space, including programming for all level of students, not just the high school and varsity athletes. Troyer stated of the priorities identified in the community engagement efforts, one major priority yet to be addressed was additional space needed.
“Because of the strong fiscal management of our current projects coupled with the board’s dedication to responsible stewardship and use of taxpayer dollars, we believe we are in a position financially to address this need without an increase to the school's tax rate. We are early in the process of developing a plan to build a multipurpose facility, which we are calling a student activity center, to accommodate a wide range of student and team practices, competitions, events and other fitness and recreational activities. We'd like to move forward with this project. Again we are prepared to do this project tax rate neutral meaning the schools tax rate will not be increased to complete it,” he said.
Additionally, the board approved a special exception quote on lockers for the new Milford Elementary School, saving over $115,000. The special exception one-time project pricing is a significant reduction in cost. Brad Lee, with Pulver Cove Associates, Fort Wayne, provided a contract quote of $341,662.76 through the Sourcewell National Purchasing Cooperative Agreement. He also provided a quote on the same specifications and brand based on the special exception one-time pricing for the volume being considered. That quote was $226,912. Both quotes included freight, unloading and installation based on delivery in fall 2025.
An early portion of the meeting including the oath of office for new board member Mike Fowler and re-elected board member Don Bokhart.
Reorganization of the board was also on the agenda. The board voted to continue having Bokhart serve as president, Andy Cripe as vice president and Steve Baut as secretary. Additionally, the board approved Tammy Hutchinson as recording secretary, Warrick & Boyn as board attorney, Rachel Moore as treasurer and Barb Casey as deputy treasurer.
The board approved the appointment of Troyer, Dr. Brandon Penrod and Wayne Wirebaugh as the only board representatives to open sealed bids and receive quotes for school business.
Upon the recommendation of Troyer, the board approved a $2,000 stipend for board members plus $150 per regular meeting and $75 for special meetings at a cap of $6,000.
The board voted to continue meeting at 5:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month in the corporation's professional learning center, with the exception of April when the meeting will be the third Tuesday and in August when the meeting will be the second Monday.
During other business, the board:
• Acknowledged the corporation did not meet the Indiana Department of Education's funding floor for 2024, which school officials disagree with and feel some items may have been coded differently that was not picked up by IDOE. The Funding Floor program is where schools are required to maintain or increase salaries and benefits of teachers unless there is a reduction in enrollment. IDOE calculated Wawasee spent $11.562 million previously but was down to $11.22 million last year. The corporation feels there are items that were not included in their calculations as there was an increase in salaries and benefits, plus an additional full-time teacher.
• Reappointed Brent Berkeypile to the Syracuse Parks & Recreation Board and Bokhart to the Syracuse Redevelopment Commission as a nonvoting member.
• Heard from several members of Wawasee's DECA students of their endeavors and learnings. It was noted four of its members will be attending a National Pride Academy April 26-29 in Orlando, Fla. Michelle Bradley, advisor, noted the club has been more involved this year than in past years and efforts are evident.
• Recognition was given to Julie Mishler, who broke the high school national record in the 50 freestyle with a time of 21.56 (the previous record was 21.59); Kenidi Nine, who will be participating in the state championship for girls wrestling and Alex Garcia who was chosen to sing the national anthem at the state championship event; and to the North Webster Elementary School Ambassadors group who raised $3,001.96 in a penny war fundraiser for the North Webster Food Pantry.
• Approved employments, transfers, resignations and a leave of absence for certified, support service and extracurricular personnel.
Following the regular meeting, the board held a brief special meeting of the finance committee. During that meeting, Bokhart was re-elected president and Baut re-elected secretary. The board also approved the investment report and recommendations for financial depositories. There was also a report of the Distressed Units Appeals Board report.

SYRACUSE - Advertisement for hearings for a proposed student activity center received approval by the Wawasee Community School Corporation Board of Trustees Tuesday.
Dr. Steve Troyer, superintendent of schools, prefaced the request by noting over the last two months, “I discussed with the board community meeting efforts, highlighted some of the things that emerged from those conversations. I mentioned that one of the significant talking points from many of the conversations centered around the need for more space for student activities.”
He stated there was a need for more practice and gym space or gym space and more multipurpose space, including programming for all level of students, not just the high school and varsity athletes. Troyer stated of the priorities identified in the community engagement efforts, one major priority yet to be addressed was additional space needed.
“Because of the strong fiscal management of our current projects coupled with the board’s dedication to responsible stewardship and use of taxpayer dollars, we believe we are in a position financially to address this need without an increase to the school's tax rate. We are early in the process of developing a plan to build a multipurpose facility, which we are calling a student activity center, to accommodate a wide range of student and team practices, competitions, events and other fitness and recreational activities. We'd like to move forward with this project. Again we are prepared to do this project tax rate neutral meaning the schools tax rate will not be increased to complete it,” he said.
Additionally, the board approved a special exception quote on lockers for the new Milford Elementary School, saving over $115,000. The special exception one-time project pricing is a significant reduction in cost. Brad Lee, with Pulver Cove Associates, Fort Wayne, provided a contract quote of $341,662.76 through the Sourcewell National Purchasing Cooperative Agreement. He also provided a quote on the same specifications and brand based on the special exception one-time pricing for the volume being considered. That quote was $226,912. Both quotes included freight, unloading and installation based on delivery in fall 2025.
An early portion of the meeting including the oath of office for new board member Mike Fowler and re-elected board member Don Bokhart.
Reorganization of the board was also on the agenda. The board voted to continue having Bokhart serve as president, Andy Cripe as vice president and Steve Baut as secretary. Additionally, the board approved Tammy Hutchinson as recording secretary, Warrick & Boyn as board attorney, Rachel Moore as treasurer and Barb Casey as deputy treasurer.
The board approved the appointment of Troyer, Dr. Brandon Penrod and Wayne Wirebaugh as the only board representatives to open sealed bids and receive quotes for school business.
Upon the recommendation of Troyer, the board approved a $2,000 stipend for board members plus $150 per regular meeting and $75 for special meetings at a cap of $6,000.
The board voted to continue meeting at 5:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month in the corporation's professional learning center, with the exception of April when the meeting will be the third Tuesday and in August when the meeting will be the second Monday.
During other business, the board:
• Acknowledged the corporation did not meet the Indiana Department of Education's funding floor for 2024, which school officials disagree with and feel some items may have been coded differently that was not picked up by IDOE. The Funding Floor program is where schools are required to maintain or increase salaries and benefits of teachers unless there is a reduction in enrollment. IDOE calculated Wawasee spent $11.562 million previously but was down to $11.22 million last year. The corporation feels there are items that were not included in their calculations as there was an increase in salaries and benefits, plus an additional full-time teacher.
• Reappointed Brent Berkeypile to the Syracuse Parks & Recreation Board and Bokhart to the Syracuse Redevelopment Commission as a nonvoting member.
• Heard from several members of Wawasee's DECA students of their endeavors and learnings. It was noted four of its members will be attending a National Pride Academy April 26-29 in Orlando, Fla. Michelle Bradley, advisor, noted the club has been more involved this year than in past years and efforts are evident.
• Recognition was given to Julie Mishler, who broke the high school national record in the 50 freestyle with a time of 21.56 (the previous record was 21.59); Kenidi Nine, who will be participating in the state championship for girls wrestling and Alex Garcia who was chosen to sing the national anthem at the state championship event; and to the North Webster Elementary School Ambassadors group who raised $3,001.96 in a penny war fundraiser for the North Webster Food Pantry.
• Approved employments, transfers, resignations and a leave of absence for certified, support service and extracurricular personnel.
Following the regular meeting, the board held a brief special meeting of the finance committee. During that meeting, Bokhart was re-elected president and Baut re-elected secretary. The board also approved the investment report and recommendations for financial depositories. There was also a report of the Distressed Units Appeals Board report.

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