Death Penalty

January 2, 2025 at 5:22 p.m.

Editor, Times-Union:
When Joe Biden said he commuted the sentences of people on death row to life in prison because he opposed the death penalty, I knew it was a lie. If he supports abortion it means he supports the execution of innocent lives in the womb. Those who protest the execution of killers yet support abortion believe in executing innocent lives just like the killers who imposed the death penalty on their innocent victims.
Joe allowed gang members that killed people to enter the nation illegally. In essence, Joe supported the execution of innocent Americans. One of those killers burned a homeless woman alive. That woman was probably considered expendable and no one would miss her. Society imposed an eventual death penalty on her. I bet the person who imposed the death penalty on her won't have the death penalty imposed upon him. He will get away with murder and expects the taxpayers to keep him alive. Maybe those who oppose executing guilty people think his life is more valuable than that of their victims.
We fought against the Nazis because they believed in the mass extermination of races and types of people. But the Nazis were inspired by those who supported abortion in America to exterminate those considered expendable. Democrats run in elections with the belief that millions of lives are expendable and people vote for them that believe the same thing. The ghost of Adolf Hitler is laughing at Americans because abortions have exterminated more lives than his policies did. More innocent Black lives have been exterminated through abortion than what were lynched or murdered by slaveowners. Yet people like Oprah support this racist act. And she claims to be a good Christian. I'm glad I won't be her when she stands before God at the Judgement Seat.
Trump supports school choice so parents can send their children to better schools so they will have a brighter future that might be longer than that of children who are condemned to live lives of desperation as they struggle to survive. Too many fear too many things because people in society say they should fear which shortens lives. If the green energy people get their way and we get rid of conventional energy sources before we can afford to, when we experience a long period of global cooling, millions will freeze to death.
Maybe with Trump back as President we'll have less imposed death penalties on innocent lives than we had while Biden was President. At least if people do get away with murder they will ultimately have to stand before God who will impose eternal death.
Rick Badman
Warsaw, via email

Editor, Times-Union:
When Joe Biden said he commuted the sentences of people on death row to life in prison because he opposed the death penalty, I knew it was a lie. If he supports abortion it means he supports the execution of innocent lives in the womb. Those who protest the execution of killers yet support abortion believe in executing innocent lives just like the killers who imposed the death penalty on their innocent victims.
Joe allowed gang members that killed people to enter the nation illegally. In essence, Joe supported the execution of innocent Americans. One of those killers burned a homeless woman alive. That woman was probably considered expendable and no one would miss her. Society imposed an eventual death penalty on her. I bet the person who imposed the death penalty on her won't have the death penalty imposed upon him. He will get away with murder and expects the taxpayers to keep him alive. Maybe those who oppose executing guilty people think his life is more valuable than that of their victims.
We fought against the Nazis because they believed in the mass extermination of races and types of people. But the Nazis were inspired by those who supported abortion in America to exterminate those considered expendable. Democrats run in elections with the belief that millions of lives are expendable and people vote for them that believe the same thing. The ghost of Adolf Hitler is laughing at Americans because abortions have exterminated more lives than his policies did. More innocent Black lives have been exterminated through abortion than what were lynched or murdered by slaveowners. Yet people like Oprah support this racist act. And she claims to be a good Christian. I'm glad I won't be her when she stands before God at the Judgement Seat.
Trump supports school choice so parents can send their children to better schools so they will have a brighter future that might be longer than that of children who are condemned to live lives of desperation as they struggle to survive. Too many fear too many things because people in society say they should fear which shortens lives. If the green energy people get their way and we get rid of conventional energy sources before we can afford to, when we experience a long period of global cooling, millions will freeze to death.
Maybe with Trump back as President we'll have less imposed death penalties on innocent lives than we had while Biden was President. At least if people do get away with murder they will ultimately have to stand before God who will impose eternal death.
Rick Badman
Warsaw, via email

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