Town of Winona Lake

February 12, 2025 at 6:00 a.m.

You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed with the Town Council of Winona Lake, Indiana by Brian & Amber Hodorek, requestingthe vacation by ordinance of a certain undeveloped and unimproved right-of-way located in the Fifth Amended and Additional Plat to Winona Park, now Town of Winona Lake, Indiana and adjacent to the SW comer of Oakwood Avenue and Union Drive, and more particularly described as follows:
This description, prepared by Aaron J. Carl, Professional Surveyor License Number LS20800123 and employed by T-E Incorporated, was created as part of an Original Survey for Job No. 24004 - Stone Camp on November 18, 2024. A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 32 North, Range 6 East, of Wayne Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana, also being a tract of land within the right-of-way of Union Drive as established in the Fifth Amended and Additional Plat to Winona Park, Winona Lake, Indiana as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 86, also being a tract of land within the right-of-way of Oakwood Avenue as established in the Sixth Amended and Additional Plat to Winona Park, Winona Lake, Indiana as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 87, and being located along the Northerly line of Lot 2 in the Secondary Plat of Stone Camp, as recorded in Plat Book 8, page 86 (all recorded documents in this description are recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Kosciusko County), and more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Northwesterly comer of said Lot 2, also being a point on the Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street, being marked by a 1/2-inch diameter rebar; thence South 45 degrees 05 minutes 59 seconds East (being the basis of all bearings this description), on and along the North line of said Lot 2 and said Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street, a distance of 25.97 feet to a deflection in said North line of Lot 2 and said Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street, being marked by a 3-inch diameter capped pipe; thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds East, on and along said North line of Lot 2 and said Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street, a distance of 39.96 feet to the Point of Beginning, being marked by a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with an identification cap stamped "T-E INC FIRM ID #0070"; thence continuing South 45 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds East, on and along said North line of Lot 2 and said Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street, a distance of 20.02 feet to a deflection in said North line, also being the intersection of said Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street and the Easterly right-of-way of Oakwood Avenue, being marked by a 3/4-inch diameter pipe; thence North 42 degrees 45 minutes 43 seconds East, on and along said North line of Lot 2, said Easterly right-of-way of Oakwood Avenue and the Northwesterly line of a 0.079-acre tract of land conveyed to Brian and Amber Hodorek by Document 2024091033, a distance of 102.71 feet to a point 60 feet South of and equidistant to the Northerly right-of-way of said Union Drive, also being the Northerly most corner of said 0.079-acre tract, being marked by a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with an identification cap stamped "T-E INC FIRM lD #0070"; thence North 47 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds West, on and along a line 60 feet South of and equidistant to said Northerly right-of-way of Union Drive, a distance of 20.00 feet to a point 20 feet West of and equidistant to said Easterly right-of-way of Oakwood Avenue, being marked by a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with an identification cap stamped "T-E INC FIRM ID #0070"; thence South 42 degrees 45 minutes 43 seconds West, a distance of l 01.78 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.047 acres of l and more or less, being subject to and/or together with all easements and rights-of-way of record
You are hereby notified that the Town Council of Winona Lake, Indiana, has set the above petition for hearing at 6:00 pm, on February 18, 2025, at the Town Offices, 131 0 Park Avenue, Winona Lake, Indiana 46590. Any person may appear and be heard upon the petition at the time, d ate, and place above scheduled for hearing and/or may send written comments or response to the Clerk-Treasurer of Winona Lake, Indiana, 1310 Park Avenue, Winona Lake, Indiana 46590 prior to the above time and date set for hearing.
After hearing, the petition may be granted, denied, or continued, and an ordinance m ay be introduced and passed according to law, providing for the vacation of said real estate.
Witness my hand on behalf of the Town Council of Winona Lake, Indiana, this 7th day of February 2025.
Heather James,
Town of Winona Lake, Indiana
2-12,19 hspaxlp

You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed with the Town Council of Winona Lake, Indiana by Brian & Amber Hodorek, requestingthe vacation by ordinance of a certain undeveloped and unimproved right-of-way located in the Fifth Amended and Additional Plat to Winona Park, now Town of Winona Lake, Indiana and adjacent to the SW comer of Oakwood Avenue and Union Drive, and more particularly described as follows:
This description, prepared by Aaron J. Carl, Professional Surveyor License Number LS20800123 and employed by T-E Incorporated, was created as part of an Original Survey for Job No. 24004 - Stone Camp on November 18, 2024. A part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 32 North, Range 6 East, of Wayne Township, Kosciusko County, Indiana, also being a tract of land within the right-of-way of Union Drive as established in the Fifth Amended and Additional Plat to Winona Park, Winona Lake, Indiana as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 86, also being a tract of land within the right-of-way of Oakwood Avenue as established in the Sixth Amended and Additional Plat to Winona Park, Winona Lake, Indiana as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 87, and being located along the Northerly line of Lot 2 in the Secondary Plat of Stone Camp, as recorded in Plat Book 8, page 86 (all recorded documents in this description are recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Kosciusko County), and more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Northwesterly comer of said Lot 2, also being a point on the Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street, being marked by a 1/2-inch diameter rebar; thence South 45 degrees 05 minutes 59 seconds East (being the basis of all bearings this description), on and along the North line of said Lot 2 and said Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street, a distance of 25.97 feet to a deflection in said North line of Lot 2 and said Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street, being marked by a 3-inch diameter capped pipe; thence South 45 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds East, on and along said North line of Lot 2 and said Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street, a distance of 39.96 feet to the Point of Beginning, being marked by a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with an identification cap stamped "T-E INC FIRM ID #0070"; thence continuing South 45 degrees 00 minutes 25 seconds East, on and along said North line of Lot 2 and said Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street, a distance of 20.02 feet to a deflection in said North line, also being the intersection of said Southerly right-of-way of Cherry Street and the Easterly right-of-way of Oakwood Avenue, being marked by a 3/4-inch diameter pipe; thence North 42 degrees 45 minutes 43 seconds East, on and along said North line of Lot 2, said Easterly right-of-way of Oakwood Avenue and the Northwesterly line of a 0.079-acre tract of land conveyed to Brian and Amber Hodorek by Document 2024091033, a distance of 102.71 feet to a point 60 feet South of and equidistant to the Northerly right-of-way of said Union Drive, also being the Northerly most corner of said 0.079-acre tract, being marked by a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with an identification cap stamped "T-E INC FIRM lD #0070"; thence North 47 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds West, on and along a line 60 feet South of and equidistant to said Northerly right-of-way of Union Drive, a distance of 20.00 feet to a point 20 feet West of and equidistant to said Easterly right-of-way of Oakwood Avenue, being marked by a 5/8-inch diameter rebar with an identification cap stamped "T-E INC FIRM ID #0070"; thence South 42 degrees 45 minutes 43 seconds West, a distance of l 01.78 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.047 acres of l and more or less, being subject to and/or together with all easements and rights-of-way of record
You are hereby notified that the Town Council of Winona Lake, Indiana, has set the above petition for hearing at 6:00 pm, on February 18, 2025, at the Town Offices, 131 0 Park Avenue, Winona Lake, Indiana 46590. Any person may appear and be heard upon the petition at the time, d ate, and place above scheduled for hearing and/or may send written comments or response to the Clerk-Treasurer of Winona Lake, Indiana, 1310 Park Avenue, Winona Lake, Indiana 46590 prior to the above time and date set for hearing.
After hearing, the petition may be granted, denied, or continued, and an ordinance m ay be introduced and passed according to law, providing for the vacation of said real estate.
Witness my hand on behalf of the Town Council of Winona Lake, Indiana, this 7th day of February 2025.
Heather James,
Town of Winona Lake, Indiana
2-12,19 hspaxlp

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