Manchester Town Council Holds Budget Hearing

September 5, 2024 at 8:47 p.m.


NORTH MANCHESTER - At Wednesday night's meeting, Manchester Town Council held a public hearing for the 2025 budget, which is publicly available on the Gateway website.
The 2025 tax levy was capped at 4%.
In old business, the council approved donations for the Manchester Early Learning Center and the countywide Diversity Coalition.
In new business, Council:
• Approved general ordinances regarding defined personnel areas in public buildings, behavior of public meeting attendees and traffic code amendments.
• Approved a water and wastewater rate study not to exceed $30,000.
• Heard from Fire Chief Cam Kissinger that the pancake breakfast will be Sept. 17.
Council will next meet at 7 p.m. Oct. 2.

NORTH MANCHESTER - At Wednesday night's meeting, Manchester Town Council held a public hearing for the 2025 budget, which is publicly available on the Gateway website.
The 2025 tax levy was capped at 4%.
In old business, the council approved donations for the Manchester Early Learning Center and the countywide Diversity Coalition.
In new business, Council:
• Approved general ordinances regarding defined personnel areas in public buildings, behavior of public meeting attendees and traffic code amendments.
• Approved a water and wastewater rate study not to exceed $30,000.
• Heard from Fire Chief Cam Kissinger that the pancake breakfast will be Sept. 17.
Council will next meet at 7 p.m. Oct. 2.

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