Club news 05.04.24

May 4, 2024 at 1:00 a.m.

Literary Club Met
WINONA LAKE – The Winona Literary Club met Wednesday. There were 22 members present and two guests.
Jeff Grose was the featured speaker. Grose is serving his first term as mayor of Warsaw, elected in November 2023. He previously served six terms as a Warsaw Common Councilman. He continues to teach in a part-time role at Grace College as a political science professor.
Grose spoke to the Winona Literary Club about being the new mayor of the city of Warsaw, and all that entails. He started with his top priorities while serving as mayor. A few of these include earning citizens’ trust and encouraging civic engagement, supporting private sector investment and growth and strengthening intergovernmental relations between Warsaw, Kosciusko County and Winona Lake. Grose ended his presentation with a question-and-answer time.
The club has also been having a member give a 5-minute personal history as part of this year's theme, "Getting to Know You." Mary Jane Schmitt spoke for a few minutes about herself. She started with her children. She has three children, a daughter and two sons, three grandchildren, over 20 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren. One son whom she spoke about is Paul Schmitt, who now works for the sheriff's department and coroner.
A few highlights of her talk included going to college, marriage and homemaking. She then worked in a few positions and eventually got the opportunity to work for the clerk of the court, which led to more clerk positions. She retired after 25 years as chief deputy in 1996.
The business meeting was then conducted, with minutes read, the treasurer's report, the courtesy report, the membership report and new and old business.
The next meeting will be the spring luncheon on May 15 at noon. Pastor Mike Hontz and his daughter Elli will be the featured musicians, performing an instrumental and voice recital. Ladies from the community are welcome to attend. Hostesses will be Anna Mae Lantz and Lorna Klein. The Owl's Nest will be catering the luncheon. The cost for the catered lunch is $20. Text your RSVP to Carol at 574-551-7668 by May 11.
The Winona Literary Club is one of the oldest women’s clubs — 120 years old. It meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. at the Grace Village Robin Hood Community Center in Winona Lake. Meetings are scheduled six times in the fall and six times in the spring. Speakers, book reviews and music are interspersed throughout the year.

Wednesday Bridge Group Played
Wednesday Night Bridge Group met at Grace Village on Wednesday.
The winners were Dorothy Herring, Mike Herring, Elaine Tripp, Ann Thallemer and Kathy Clary.
The group welcomes bridge players of all skill levels to join them from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesdays at Grace Village. If interested, call John Wagley at 574-268-1330.

Last Monday Euchre Club Met
The Last Monday Euchre Club met at the Warsaw Senior Center Monday. High winner was Toni Wilson, most lones was Fran Nichols and low was Diane Hochstetler.
The next meeting will be at 11 a.m. on June 24 at the Warsaw Senior Center.

Bridge Was Played At SPEC
NORTH WEBSTER – Bridge was played at SPEC at the North Webster Community Center.
On Tuesday, Bill Thompson came in first and Jean Cowan came in second.
On Thursday, Dick Sutton came in first and Wanda Wyrick came in second.

Thursday Bridge Club Met
Thursday Bridge Club met at Maria’s Restaurant.
Winners were Sandy Mauk, Nancy Dalton, Liz Frazzetta and Elaine Tripp.
K. County Retired Teachers To Meet
Kosciusko County Retired Teachers will meet May 14 at Miller’s Senior Living center for lunch, fellowship and program. Enter through door 6.
Doors open at 11 a.m. with lunch at noon. Cost is $10. Dues are $10 for the year. The program will be presented by Laura Copper from Healthy Families. Register for lunch by emailing [email protected]. Business discussion follows.
All retired teachers who taught in Kosciusko County or are now living in Kosciusko County are welcome. They meet four times a year in May, July, September and October on the second Tuesday. As a nonprofit, they were established in 1972 with goals of continued lifelong learning, volunteering in the community and connecting through social interactions.
With questions, visit

Agnes Pruyn Chapman Chapter Met
The Agnes Pruyn Chapman Chapter met April 23.
Following lunch, Talia Kelly was recognized as the local outstanding female cadet of JROTC. Her mother and grandparents were also in attendance. Kelly spoke of the many activities of school, JRTOC and outside of school that she is involved in.
Regent Paulene Holderman opened the business meeting with the opening ritual. Kathy Gawthrop read the national defense report. Holderman read the minutes of the March meeting. Janice Cox gave the treasurer’s report.
Two prospective members were in attendance. Tresa Greene, state volunteer genealogy chairperson, also was in attendance.
The Indiana State Conference will be May 16-18 in Indianapolis.
The 132 Continential Congress will be June 26-30 in Washington, D.C.
The next meeting will be May 28.

Literary Club Met
WINONA LAKE – The Winona Literary Club met Wednesday. There were 22 members present and two guests.
Jeff Grose was the featured speaker. Grose is serving his first term as mayor of Warsaw, elected in November 2023. He previously served six terms as a Warsaw Common Councilman. He continues to teach in a part-time role at Grace College as a political science professor.
Grose spoke to the Winona Literary Club about being the new mayor of the city of Warsaw, and all that entails. He started with his top priorities while serving as mayor. A few of these include earning citizens’ trust and encouraging civic engagement, supporting private sector investment and growth and strengthening intergovernmental relations between Warsaw, Kosciusko County and Winona Lake. Grose ended his presentation with a question-and-answer time.
The club has also been having a member give a 5-minute personal history as part of this year's theme, "Getting to Know You." Mary Jane Schmitt spoke for a few minutes about herself. She started with her children. She has three children, a daughter and two sons, three grandchildren, over 20 great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren. One son whom she spoke about is Paul Schmitt, who now works for the sheriff's department and coroner.
A few highlights of her talk included going to college, marriage and homemaking. She then worked in a few positions and eventually got the opportunity to work for the clerk of the court, which led to more clerk positions. She retired after 25 years as chief deputy in 1996.
The business meeting was then conducted, with minutes read, the treasurer's report, the courtesy report, the membership report and new and old business.
The next meeting will be the spring luncheon on May 15 at noon. Pastor Mike Hontz and his daughter Elli will be the featured musicians, performing an instrumental and voice recital. Ladies from the community are welcome to attend. Hostesses will be Anna Mae Lantz and Lorna Klein. The Owl's Nest will be catering the luncheon. The cost for the catered lunch is $20. Text your RSVP to Carol at 574-551-7668 by May 11.
The Winona Literary Club is one of the oldest women’s clubs — 120 years old. It meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. at the Grace Village Robin Hood Community Center in Winona Lake. Meetings are scheduled six times in the fall and six times in the spring. Speakers, book reviews and music are interspersed throughout the year.

Wednesday Bridge Group Played
Wednesday Night Bridge Group met at Grace Village on Wednesday.
The winners were Dorothy Herring, Mike Herring, Elaine Tripp, Ann Thallemer and Kathy Clary.
The group welcomes bridge players of all skill levels to join them from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesdays at Grace Village. If interested, call John Wagley at 574-268-1330.

Last Monday Euchre Club Met
The Last Monday Euchre Club met at the Warsaw Senior Center Monday. High winner was Toni Wilson, most lones was Fran Nichols and low was Diane Hochstetler.
The next meeting will be at 11 a.m. on June 24 at the Warsaw Senior Center.

Bridge Was Played At SPEC
NORTH WEBSTER – Bridge was played at SPEC at the North Webster Community Center.
On Tuesday, Bill Thompson came in first and Jean Cowan came in second.
On Thursday, Dick Sutton came in first and Wanda Wyrick came in second.

Thursday Bridge Club Met
Thursday Bridge Club met at Maria’s Restaurant.
Winners were Sandy Mauk, Nancy Dalton, Liz Frazzetta and Elaine Tripp.
K. County Retired Teachers To Meet
Kosciusko County Retired Teachers will meet May 14 at Miller’s Senior Living center for lunch, fellowship and program. Enter through door 6.
Doors open at 11 a.m. with lunch at noon. Cost is $10. Dues are $10 for the year. The program will be presented by Laura Copper from Healthy Families. Register for lunch by emailing [email protected]. Business discussion follows.
All retired teachers who taught in Kosciusko County or are now living in Kosciusko County are welcome. They meet four times a year in May, July, September and October on the second Tuesday. As a nonprofit, they were established in 1972 with goals of continued lifelong learning, volunteering in the community and connecting through social interactions.
With questions, visit

Agnes Pruyn Chapman Chapter Met
The Agnes Pruyn Chapman Chapter met April 23.
Following lunch, Talia Kelly was recognized as the local outstanding female cadet of JROTC. Her mother and grandparents were also in attendance. Kelly spoke of the many activities of school, JRTOC and outside of school that she is involved in.
Regent Paulene Holderman opened the business meeting with the opening ritual. Kathy Gawthrop read the national defense report. Holderman read the minutes of the March meeting. Janice Cox gave the treasurer’s report.
Two prospective members were in attendance. Tresa Greene, state volunteer genealogy chairperson, also was in attendance.
The Indiana State Conference will be May 16-18 in Indianapolis.
The 132 Continential Congress will be June 26-30 in Washington, D.C.
The next meeting will be May 28.

Have a news tip? Email [email protected] or Call/Text 360-922-3092



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