Miss Apple Blossom Scholarship Pageant Applications Are Available

June 20, 2024 at 5:56 p.m.

By Staff Report

NAPPANEE - The Nappanee Miss Apple Blossom Scholarship Pageant will headline opening events at the 48th annual Nappanee Apple Festival Sept. 19.
Incorporating a hobby wear theme for the introduction portion of the pageant, contestants will be competing on the main stage at the Main Entertainment Tent, Depot Plaza, at 7 p.m., according to a provided news release.
Registration deadline for participation is Aug. 1. Young women between the ages of 16 and 22 and must reside in Elkhart County and attend a school in Elkhart County.
The application, rules and regulations can be downloaded from the festival website at www.nappaneeapplefestival.org. Entrants must be enrolled in high school, an accredited home school program, a high school graduate or enrolled in college or advanced education by Sept. 1 of this year. All entrants agree to enlist a business sponsor.
A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to the Queen, a $750 scholarship to the first runner-up and a $500 scholarship to the second runner-up. Additionally, a cash award will be granted to the People’s Choice winner.
The newly crowned queen will participate at events throughout the four-day weekend as well as represent Nappanee at the Indiana State Festivals Association Scholarship Pageant and area parade events.
For more information, contact Lizzie Odiorne, pageant coordinator, at 574-538-9854 or [email protected].
Follow the events of the 2024 Nappanee Apple Festival on Facebook.

NAPPANEE - The Nappanee Miss Apple Blossom Scholarship Pageant will headline opening events at the 48th annual Nappanee Apple Festival Sept. 19.
Incorporating a hobby wear theme for the introduction portion of the pageant, contestants will be competing on the main stage at the Main Entertainment Tent, Depot Plaza, at 7 p.m., according to a provided news release.
Registration deadline for participation is Aug. 1. Young women between the ages of 16 and 22 and must reside in Elkhart County and attend a school in Elkhart County.
The application, rules and regulations can be downloaded from the festival website at www.nappaneeapplefestival.org. Entrants must be enrolled in high school, an accredited home school program, a high school graduate or enrolled in college or advanced education by Sept. 1 of this year. All entrants agree to enlist a business sponsor.
A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to the Queen, a $750 scholarship to the first runner-up and a $500 scholarship to the second runner-up. Additionally, a cash award will be granted to the People’s Choice winner.
The newly crowned queen will participate at events throughout the four-day weekend as well as represent Nappanee at the Indiana State Festivals Association Scholarship Pageant and area parade events.
For more information, contact Lizzie Odiorne, pageant coordinator, at 574-538-9854 or [email protected].
Follow the events of the 2024 Nappanee Apple Festival on Facebook.

Have a news tip? Email [email protected] or Call/Text 360-922-3092



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