Public Occurrences 07.09.24

July 9, 2024 at 1:00 a.m.

Property Damage
• 1:09 p.m. Friday - 2501 Walton Blvd., Warsaw. Pickup hit parked vehicle; registration information not listed. Driver: Dylan E. Oberg, 26, East CR 500N, Leesburg. Damage: $2,500-$5,000. Warsaw Police Department investigated.
• 4:16 p.m. Friday - Intersection of Ind. 15 and East Market Street, Warsaw. Car-pickup collision. Drivers: Mary J. Rowland, 28, Cedar Springs, Mich.; Timothy J. Yoder, 35, West Ind. 25, Mentone. Damage: $2,500-$5,000. WPD.
• 7:39 p.m. Friday - 3611 Commerce Drive, Warsaw. SUV-car collision. Drivers: Chanay R. Norman, 38, Wilmington, Del.; Carody R. Bell, 44, Epsom, N.H. Damage: $2,500-$5,000. WPD.
• 10:55 p.m. Saturday - Intersection of East U.S. 30 and East Springhill Road, Warsaw. SUV hit deer. Driver: Ryo Okawa, 30, Findlay, Ohio. Damage: $2,500-$5,000. WPD.
• 6:40 a.m. Sunday - Intersection of U.S. 30 and Center Street, Warsaw. Car hit deer. Driver: Logan Keener, 24, Huntertown. Damage: $5,000-$10,000. WPD.
• 8:38 a.m. Monday - Intersection of U.S. 30 and Meijer Drive, Warsaw. Two-car collision. Drivers: Charles A. Morgan, 59, Brownstown, Mich.; Scott R. Zollinger, 43, Fort Wayne. Damage: $5,000-$10,000. WPD.
• 12:55 p.m. Monday - Intersection of East Center and North Hickory streets, Warsaw. SUV-car collision. Drivers: Elizabeth Hall, 69, South CR 600W, Mentone; Evan Olinger, 18, Rowland Avenue, Leesburg. Damage: $1,000-$2,500. WPD.

• 9:20 a.m. Friday - A person operating a vehicle with a suspended or revoked registration was reported in the 100 block of East U.S. 30, Warsaw. WPD.
• 2:22 p.m. Friday - A bicycle was reported stolen in the 3400 block of Lake City Highway, Warsaw. WPD.
• 12:46 p.m. Saturday - A traffic offense for a person driving a motor vehicle while suspended with a prior suspension was reported in the 3500 block of Lake City Highway, Warsaw. WPD.
• 10:15 p.m. Saturday - Property was reported found in the 600 block of East Arthur Street, Warsaw. WPD.
• 2:28 a.m. Sunday - A person was arrested for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and operating a motor vehicle without ever obtaining a license in the 2500 block of East U.S. 30, Warsaw. KCSO.
• 8:11 a.m. Sunday - A runaway was reported in the 300 block of North Main Street, Syracuse. Syracuse Police Department investigated.
• 10:22 a.m. Sunday - Misdemeanor battery was reported in the 200 block of East Washington Street, North Webster. North Webster Police Department investigated.
• 8:20 a.m. Monday - Fencing and a speed limit sign were reported damaged in the 1100 block of North CR 350W, Warsaw. Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Office investigated.

Property Damage
• 1:09 p.m. Friday - 2501 Walton Blvd., Warsaw. Pickup hit parked vehicle; registration information not listed. Driver: Dylan E. Oberg, 26, East CR 500N, Leesburg. Damage: $2,500-$5,000. Warsaw Police Department investigated.
• 4:16 p.m. Friday - Intersection of Ind. 15 and East Market Street, Warsaw. Car-pickup collision. Drivers: Mary J. Rowland, 28, Cedar Springs, Mich.; Timothy J. Yoder, 35, West Ind. 25, Mentone. Damage: $2,500-$5,000. WPD.
• 7:39 p.m. Friday - 3611 Commerce Drive, Warsaw. SUV-car collision. Drivers: Chanay R. Norman, 38, Wilmington, Del.; Carody R. Bell, 44, Epsom, N.H. Damage: $2,500-$5,000. WPD.
• 10:55 p.m. Saturday - Intersection of East U.S. 30 and East Springhill Road, Warsaw. SUV hit deer. Driver: Ryo Okawa, 30, Findlay, Ohio. Damage: $2,500-$5,000. WPD.
• 6:40 a.m. Sunday - Intersection of U.S. 30 and Center Street, Warsaw. Car hit deer. Driver: Logan Keener, 24, Huntertown. Damage: $5,000-$10,000. WPD.
• 8:38 a.m. Monday - Intersection of U.S. 30 and Meijer Drive, Warsaw. Two-car collision. Drivers: Charles A. Morgan, 59, Brownstown, Mich.; Scott R. Zollinger, 43, Fort Wayne. Damage: $5,000-$10,000. WPD.
• 12:55 p.m. Monday - Intersection of East Center and North Hickory streets, Warsaw. SUV-car collision. Drivers: Elizabeth Hall, 69, South CR 600W, Mentone; Evan Olinger, 18, Rowland Avenue, Leesburg. Damage: $1,000-$2,500. WPD.

• 9:20 a.m. Friday - A person operating a vehicle with a suspended or revoked registration was reported in the 100 block of East U.S. 30, Warsaw. WPD.
• 2:22 p.m. Friday - A bicycle was reported stolen in the 3400 block of Lake City Highway, Warsaw. WPD.
• 12:46 p.m. Saturday - A traffic offense for a person driving a motor vehicle while suspended with a prior suspension was reported in the 3500 block of Lake City Highway, Warsaw. WPD.
• 10:15 p.m. Saturday - Property was reported found in the 600 block of East Arthur Street, Warsaw. WPD.
• 2:28 a.m. Sunday - A person was arrested for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and operating a motor vehicle without ever obtaining a license in the 2500 block of East U.S. 30, Warsaw. KCSO.
• 8:11 a.m. Sunday - A runaway was reported in the 300 block of North Main Street, Syracuse. Syracuse Police Department investigated.
• 10:22 a.m. Sunday - Misdemeanor battery was reported in the 200 block of East Washington Street, North Webster. North Webster Police Department investigated.
• 8:20 a.m. Monday - Fencing and a speed limit sign were reported damaged in the 1100 block of North CR 350W, Warsaw. Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Office investigated.

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