Altrusa Club Members Help Other Area Service Organizations

August 29, 2024 at 4:22 p.m.
The first Little Free Library was installed at the Fairlane Mobile Home Park at 1202 Wooster Road, Winona Lake. Photo Provided.
The first Little Free Library was installed at the Fairlane Mobile Home Park at 1202 Wooster Road, Winona Lake. Photo Provided.

By Staff Report

The Altrusa Club of Warsaw is back in action helping other service organizations in the community, according to a provided news release.
On July 31, seven members helped distribute school supplies at the annual Tools for School at Lakeview Middle School.
Altrusa members delivered Mobile Meals on Aug. 20.
On Aug. 21, six members labeled, sorted and distributed books for Operation Read!
Altrusa members provided and served meals to 82 children at the Baker Youth Club on Tuesday.
The first Little Free Library was installed at the Fairlane Mobile Home Park at 1202 Wooster Road, Winona Lake. Patrons and children of the Mobile Home Park are encouraged take a book, read a book and share a book. The objectives of this project include promoting literacy, fostering community engagement and addressing the lack of access to books. Altrusa hopes to bridge literacy gaps and promote a love for reading.
Members of Altrusa Warsaw will monitor the “Little Free Library” and restock as needed. The club will evaluate the success of the library in hopes of adding additional Little Free Libraries to other mobile home parks.
The major service project of the year is Bingo for Beaman Home. The first Bingo for Beaman was held in 2011 at Center Lake Pavilion. In the past 13 years, the event has changed locations four times to accommodate the growing community support. This year’s bingo event is Oct. 17 at the Manahan Orthopedic Capital Center (MOCC) on the Grace College Campus. Tickets are available for purchase at The Beaman Home, 603 Parker St.
Ticket price remains the same: $30 if purchased prior to event, $40 at the door or a reserved table for eight at $250. This event has sold out way in advance the past seven years, thus no tickets were available at the door.
Altrusa will meet Sept. 5 at noon at the Kosciusko REMC building at 370S 250E.

The Altrusa Club of Warsaw is back in action helping other service organizations in the community, according to a provided news release.
On July 31, seven members helped distribute school supplies at the annual Tools for School at Lakeview Middle School.
Altrusa members delivered Mobile Meals on Aug. 20.
On Aug. 21, six members labeled, sorted and distributed books for Operation Read!
Altrusa members provided and served meals to 82 children at the Baker Youth Club on Tuesday.
The first Little Free Library was installed at the Fairlane Mobile Home Park at 1202 Wooster Road, Winona Lake. Patrons and children of the Mobile Home Park are encouraged take a book, read a book and share a book. The objectives of this project include promoting literacy, fostering community engagement and addressing the lack of access to books. Altrusa hopes to bridge literacy gaps and promote a love for reading.
Members of Altrusa Warsaw will monitor the “Little Free Library” and restock as needed. The club will evaluate the success of the library in hopes of adding additional Little Free Libraries to other mobile home parks.
The major service project of the year is Bingo for Beaman Home. The first Bingo for Beaman was held in 2011 at Center Lake Pavilion. In the past 13 years, the event has changed locations four times to accommodate the growing community support. This year’s bingo event is Oct. 17 at the Manahan Orthopedic Capital Center (MOCC) on the Grace College Campus. Tickets are available for purchase at The Beaman Home, 603 Parker St.
Ticket price remains the same: $30 if purchased prior to event, $40 at the door or a reserved table for eight at $250. This event has sold out way in advance the past seven years, thus no tickets were available at the door.
Altrusa will meet Sept. 5 at noon at the Kosciusko REMC building at 370S 250E.

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