WACC Work-Based Learning Spotlight: Harrison Elementary School
April 17, 2024 at 5:48 p.m.

Warsaw Area Career Center Intern: Emma Moss
Parents: Peggy Moss and Michael Moss
Student’s Job Title: Paraprofessional
What are your job responsibilities: I am a paraprofessional at Harrison Elementary School. My responsibilities vary from which grade I am with on that day but often include math support or reading groups. I also assist with first-grade lunch duty.
How has this position been helpful to you? This position is very helpful in various ways. This is an eye-opener to what I would do as a teacher in the future. It helps me prepare and see different aspects of each job in the elementary position. I am learning from the people around me, learning new tactics, how to handle certain situations, and seeing if this is really the job I want in the future.
What have you learned? I have learned that working in the education system you will see diversity a lot whether it comes from cultural backgrounds or how students learn. Either way you need to adapt to help the student get the best education possible.
How is this job preparing you for the future? This job is preparing me for how to handle certain situations and how to direct a classroom in a manner that is set up for success!
What do you like about this job? This is my second year at Harrison Elementary School and the thing I have loved the most about this job is most definitely watching my students grow and succeed in what they are learning. I see the most growth in the first-grade classroom. In the first-grade classroom that is where they really start learning how to read and write. To see how my students started in the beginning of the school year to now is absolutely amazing. Also connecting with the students is a huge aspect in why I love this job!
What Career Center classes have you taken in your pathway? Child Development, Advanced Child Development, Principles of Teaching and Teaching & Learning.
Your Career and College Plans: I plan to attend Ball State University for elementary education and special education/exceptional needs teaching – dual major.
Supervisor Input: Ashley Starkweather
What duties does this student perform? Work with small groups, special education groups and lunch duty.
How is this job preparing this student for the future? Emma works well with students, and learns the material quickly. She would be a great teacher in the future.
What do you think of the WACC Work-Based Learning program? I think WACC does an incredible job of emulating hard work, responsibility and professionalism in their students.
Why were you willing to partner with the WACC in this program? We would love to support WCHS students in any way. It is very important to us that primary and secondary schools are able to collaborate together.
Warsaw Area Career Center Intern: Emma Moss
Parents: Peggy Moss and Michael Moss
Student’s Job Title: Paraprofessional
What are your job responsibilities: I am a paraprofessional at Harrison Elementary School. My responsibilities vary from which grade I am with on that day but often include math support or reading groups. I also assist with first-grade lunch duty.
How has this position been helpful to you? This position is very helpful in various ways. This is an eye-opener to what I would do as a teacher in the future. It helps me prepare and see different aspects of each job in the elementary position. I am learning from the people around me, learning new tactics, how to handle certain situations, and seeing if this is really the job I want in the future.
What have you learned? I have learned that working in the education system you will see diversity a lot whether it comes from cultural backgrounds or how students learn. Either way you need to adapt to help the student get the best education possible.
How is this job preparing you for the future? This job is preparing me for how to handle certain situations and how to direct a classroom in a manner that is set up for success!
What do you like about this job? This is my second year at Harrison Elementary School and the thing I have loved the most about this job is most definitely watching my students grow and succeed in what they are learning. I see the most growth in the first-grade classroom. In the first-grade classroom that is where they really start learning how to read and write. To see how my students started in the beginning of the school year to now is absolutely amazing. Also connecting with the students is a huge aspect in why I love this job!
What Career Center classes have you taken in your pathway? Child Development, Advanced Child Development, Principles of Teaching and Teaching & Learning.
Your Career and College Plans: I plan to attend Ball State University for elementary education and special education/exceptional needs teaching – dual major.
Supervisor Input: Ashley Starkweather
What duties does this student perform? Work with small groups, special education groups and lunch duty.
How is this job preparing this student for the future? Emma works well with students, and learns the material quickly. She would be a great teacher in the future.
What do you think of the WACC Work-Based Learning program? I think WACC does an incredible job of emulating hard work, responsibility and professionalism in their students.
Why were you willing to partner with the WACC in this program? We would love to support WCHS students in any way. It is very important to us that primary and secondary schools are able to collaborate together.