Magical Meadows Receiving Receiving For Matching Grant For Donations
November 17, 2023 at 5:57 p.m.

Through Dec. 31, donations of up to $20,000 given to Magical Meadows, 3386 E. CR 525N, Warsaw, will be matched through a donation from an anonymous donor.
“It came at a perfect because we had determined that this winter we needed to provide other kinds of events and things for our kids, our riders,” said Tammy Stackhouse, founder of Magical Meadows.
Stackhouse said Magical Meadows stops horseback riding in December and resumes it in April.
This year, Magical Meadows will be doing some events on Saturdays that will bring the kids out to the location. The events will be done in a couple different age groups to make sure there’s enough volunteers and staff.
The events are being planned for at least two Saturdays a month and will have multiple time frames during the day, she said.
Before Magical Meadows ends its riding season, Stackhouse said she will hand out information to families. Information also will be put on its Facebook page and website on things coming up for the winter program.
The match grant will allow Magical Meadows to do the programs, as well as offer some respite for the families, she said.
Donations received through the end of the year will also help in the upkeep costs during the winter months. Stackhouse said the cost for care, feed and training per horse is $4,000 a year. Magical Meadows has 20 horses that are part of its riding program.
Stackhouse said the benefit the riders will get from the winter program will be having consistency. A lot of Magical Meadow’s riders are detail-oriented, so they need to know they still get to go to Magical Meadows during Magical Meadow’s winter break, which is something riders haven’t been able to do before.
The idea came through conversations Stackhouse had with families. Through talking with families, the phrase “I wish ...” kept coming up.
Stackhouse hopes this year will be a foundation for winter programs and they will grow in future years.
People interested in donating to Magical Meadows can do through their Facebook page, as well as going to their website at and hitting the donate button. People can also mail any donations.
Through Dec. 31, donations of up to $20,000 given to Magical Meadows, 3386 E. CR 525N, Warsaw, will be matched through a donation from an anonymous donor.
“It came at a perfect because we had determined that this winter we needed to provide other kinds of events and things for our kids, our riders,” said Tammy Stackhouse, founder of Magical Meadows.
Stackhouse said Magical Meadows stops horseback riding in December and resumes it in April.
This year, Magical Meadows will be doing some events on Saturdays that will bring the kids out to the location. The events will be done in a couple different age groups to make sure there’s enough volunteers and staff.
The events are being planned for at least two Saturdays a month and will have multiple time frames during the day, she said.
Before Magical Meadows ends its riding season, Stackhouse said she will hand out information to families. Information also will be put on its Facebook page and website on things coming up for the winter program.
The match grant will allow Magical Meadows to do the programs, as well as offer some respite for the families, she said.
Donations received through the end of the year will also help in the upkeep costs during the winter months. Stackhouse said the cost for care, feed and training per horse is $4,000 a year. Magical Meadows has 20 horses that are part of its riding program.
Stackhouse said the benefit the riders will get from the winter program will be having consistency. A lot of Magical Meadow’s riders are detail-oriented, so they need to know they still get to go to Magical Meadows during Magical Meadow’s winter break, which is something riders haven’t been able to do before.
The idea came through conversations Stackhouse had with families. Through talking with families, the phrase “I wish ...” kept coming up.
Stackhouse hopes this year will be a foundation for winter programs and they will grow in future years.
People interested in donating to Magical Meadows can do through their Facebook page, as well as going to their website at and hitting the donate button. People can also mail any donations.