Court News 04.01.23

March 31, 2023 at 9:45 p.m.

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The following people have filed for marriage licenses with Kosciusko County Clerk Ann Torpy:

• Matthew Jon Miller, 25, U.S. 6, Nappanee, and Wanita Kay Kauffman, 20, West CR 100N, Milford.

• Robert L. Tiedge, 80, East CR 1050N, Syracuse, and Lifang She, 52, Fort Myers, Fla.

• Angela Rieder, 35, and Zachary Scott Krumwied, 39, both of EMS C29 Lane,?Warsaw.

• Omar Campos Cortez, 27, and Yesenia Romo Ocon, 30, both of East CR 1150N, Milford.

• Christopher Charles Cast, 34, and Savannah Danelle Madison Olinger, 22, both of West Beachwood, Warsaw.

• Brandon D. Carr, 37, and Amanda Lynn Price, 34, both of EMS B37 Lane, Warsaw.

• Tyler James McKenzie, 22, and Kylee Nicole Armey, 21, both of West CR 100S, Warsaw.

• Emery Allen Miller, 27, West CR 1100N, Milford, and Freda Renee Whetstone, 32, Beech Road, Nappanee.

• Louinet Desulma, 32, and Edilia Isidor, 33, both of Rattington Circle,?Warsaw.

The following people have filed for marriage licenses with Kosciusko County Clerk Ann Torpy:

• Matthew Jon Miller, 25, U.S. 6, Nappanee, and Wanita Kay Kauffman, 20, West CR 100N, Milford.

• Robert L. Tiedge, 80, East CR 1050N, Syracuse, and Lifang She, 52, Fort Myers, Fla.

• Angela Rieder, 35, and Zachary Scott Krumwied, 39, both of EMS C29 Lane,?Warsaw.

• Omar Campos Cortez, 27, and Yesenia Romo Ocon, 30, both of East CR 1150N, Milford.

• Christopher Charles Cast, 34, and Savannah Danelle Madison Olinger, 22, both of West Beachwood, Warsaw.

• Brandon D. Carr, 37, and Amanda Lynn Price, 34, both of EMS B37 Lane, Warsaw.

• Tyler James McKenzie, 22, and Kylee Nicole Armey, 21, both of West CR 100S, Warsaw.

• Emery Allen Miller, 27, West CR 1100N, Milford, and Freda Renee Whetstone, 32, Beech Road, Nappanee.

• Louinet Desulma, 32, and Edilia Isidor, 33, both of Rattington Circle,?Warsaw.

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The following people have filed for marriage licenses with Kosciusko County Clerk Ann Torpy: