Club News

June 16, 2023 at 8:46 p.m.

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Bridge Was Played At SPEC

NORTH WEBSTER – Bridge was played at SPEC at the North Webster Community Center.

On Tuesday, Bill Thompson came in first and   Jean Cowan came in second.

On Thursday, Dick Sutton came in first and   Kay Sutton came in second.

Summer Tuesday Bridge Group Met

LEESBURG – The Summer Tuesday Night Bridge Group met at the Tippy Lake Country Club.

 Winners were Jan Hodson and Bill Thompson, Janet and John Wagley, Kathy and Jim Siegfried, Betty Walston and Sharon Holz and Ronnie and John Pierog.

Wednesday Bridge Group Played

Wednesday Night Bridge Group met at Grace Village on Wednesday.

The winners were Betty Walston, Jean Cowan, Carol Freeman, Virginia Horn, Joyce Metz, Dick Sutton, Jim Siegfried and Grant Magner.

The group would welcomes bridge players of all skill levels to join them from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesdays at Grace Village. If interested, call John Wagley at 574-268-1330.

ABC Bridge Club Met

The ABC Bridge Club met at Grace Village with Joyce Latta  as hostess.

Winners were Tom Anderson and Ann Thallemer.

DAR Members Met

The Agnes Pruyn Chapman Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met recently at the Wyndman Hotel. There were 10 members and one guest present.

Jill Powers from Goodwill's Veterans Stand Down program spoke. They provide community resources for veterans and their families.  June 30 is the local Stand Down Program.

The business meeting was brought to order by Regent Pauline Holderman. She led the opening rituals.

 The president's message was given by Kathy Janice Cox.  The national defense report was given by  Kathy Gawthrop. The report was on the meaning of Memorial Day. Engelberth read the secretary's and treasurer's report  and they were approved.

Memory of the deceased was led by Pauline Holderman. Those deceased members were Florence Horn, Betty Nyenhauis, Linda Grove and Norma Plank.

The next meeting will be June 27 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel.

Bridge Was Played At SPEC

NORTH WEBSTER – Bridge was played at SPEC at the North Webster Community Center.

On Tuesday, Bill Thompson came in first and   Jean Cowan came in second.

On Thursday, Dick Sutton came in first and   Kay Sutton came in second.

Summer Tuesday Bridge Group Met

LEESBURG – The Summer Tuesday Night Bridge Group met at the Tippy Lake Country Club.

 Winners were Jan Hodson and Bill Thompson, Janet and John Wagley, Kathy and Jim Siegfried, Betty Walston and Sharon Holz and Ronnie and John Pierog.

Wednesday Bridge Group Played

Wednesday Night Bridge Group met at Grace Village on Wednesday.

The winners were Betty Walston, Jean Cowan, Carol Freeman, Virginia Horn, Joyce Metz, Dick Sutton, Jim Siegfried and Grant Magner.

The group would welcomes bridge players of all skill levels to join them from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesdays at Grace Village. If interested, call John Wagley at 574-268-1330.

ABC Bridge Club Met

The ABC Bridge Club met at Grace Village with Joyce Latta  as hostess.

Winners were Tom Anderson and Ann Thallemer.

DAR Members Met

The Agnes Pruyn Chapman Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution met recently at the Wyndman Hotel. There were 10 members and one guest present.

Jill Powers from Goodwill's Veterans Stand Down program spoke. They provide community resources for veterans and their families.  June 30 is the local Stand Down Program.

The business meeting was brought to order by Regent Pauline Holderman. She led the opening rituals.

 The president's message was given by Kathy Janice Cox.  The national defense report was given by  Kathy Gawthrop. The report was on the meaning of Memorial Day. Engelberth read the secretary's and treasurer's report  and they were approved.

Memory of the deceased was led by Pauline Holderman. Those deceased members were Florence Horn, Betty Nyenhauis, Linda Grove and Norma Plank.

The next meeting will be June 27 at the Wyndham Garden Hotel.
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