Court News 1.14.23

January 13, 2023 at 10:51 p.m.

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The following people have filed for marriage licenses with Kosciusko County Clerk Ann Torpy:

• Angela Ramirez, 23, and Edwin Daniel Luva, 26, both of South Ind. 14, Akron.

• Masyn Robert Derf, 31, and Heather Michelle Shelpman, 30, both of West CR 600S, Claypool.

• Brayden Richard Lane, 19, Ranch Road, Warsaw, and Elizabeth Joy Schmitt, 19, East Baker Street, Warsaw.

• Kaila Breanne Higgins, 30, and John Charles Hollingsworth, 36, both of Cabot Street, Warsaw.

• Jacob Daniel Corkwell, 36, and Rebecca Lynn Tallman, 41, both of East Armstrong Road, Leesburg.

• Travis Schroeder, 30, Shaffer Drive, Warsaw, and Megan Kathleen Horvath, 33, West 12th Street, Winona Lake.

• Kevin Neil Hohman, 63, West High Street, Silver Lake, and Debra Lene Bullock, 58, West CR 850S, Claypool.

• Michael Desmond Hill, 59, West Dixie Drive, Silver Lake, and Shirley Ann Russell, 74, West McClure Drive, Silver Lake.

• Delaney Scout Brooks, 28, North Ind. 13, Syracuse, and Raymond Kurtous Schmidt, 27, EMS T6 Lane, Leesburg.

The following people have filed for marriage licenses with Kosciusko County Clerk Ann Torpy:

• Angela Ramirez, 23, and Edwin Daniel Luva, 26, both of South Ind. 14, Akron.

• Masyn Robert Derf, 31, and Heather Michelle Shelpman, 30, both of West CR 600S, Claypool.

• Brayden Richard Lane, 19, Ranch Road, Warsaw, and Elizabeth Joy Schmitt, 19, East Baker Street, Warsaw.

• Kaila Breanne Higgins, 30, and John Charles Hollingsworth, 36, both of Cabot Street, Warsaw.

• Jacob Daniel Corkwell, 36, and Rebecca Lynn Tallman, 41, both of East Armstrong Road, Leesburg.

• Travis Schroeder, 30, Shaffer Drive, Warsaw, and Megan Kathleen Horvath, 33, West 12th Street, Winona Lake.

• Kevin Neil Hohman, 63, West High Street, Silver Lake, and Debra Lene Bullock, 58, West CR 850S, Claypool.

• Michael Desmond Hill, 59, West Dixie Drive, Silver Lake, and Shirley Ann Russell, 74, West McClure Drive, Silver Lake.

• Delaney Scout Brooks, 28, North Ind. 13, Syracuse, and Raymond Kurtous Schmidt, 27, EMS T6 Lane, Leesburg.

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Court News 12.28.24
The following people have filed for marriage licenses with Kosciusko County Clerk Ann Torpy: