MAGA Republicans At Work

December 11, 2023 at 1:00 a.m.

God bless ‘em. They are fighting the good fight to keep us safe, to keep us ignorant, to keep us free from sin (as they see it) and to ultimately keep us compliant and obedient. Their diligence and determination to accomplish all of this will become a fait accompli if the rest of us do not wake up and act now. (By the way, fait accompli means “a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept it.”)
The subversive tactics used by these masterminds include twisted conspiracies, repeated lies, misplaced blame and unreasonable fear mongering — all together, separately, and continuously. An honest look at the list of targets of our would-be saviors should leave even the staunchest supporters of the movement scratching their heads:
Green M&Ms, the word “gay, Democracy, Mr. Potato Head, rainbows, BLM, Bud Light, beer, birth control, LGBTQ+, windmills, pregnant women, trans anybody, Dr. Seuss, anyone named Biden, EVs, Disney characters, the word “woke,” climate change, U.S. history books, anyone non-Christian, CRT, Taylor Swift, anyone non-white, Barbie.
Meanwhile, the other party really is fighting …. fighting to keep democracy alive here and throughout the world. They are fighting to unburden the lives of all Americans by lowering the cost of life’s necessities, by protecting their rights to vote, to ensure their control of their own lives, and to preserve their dignity no matter who they are. This party has actually accomplished more in nearly three years than any other party in decades:
37,000+ new infrastructure projects across the country (many Republicans who voted against the bill now claim credit in their states), more people working than any time in our history, historic expansion of benefits and services for toxic exposed veterans, more people with affordable health coverage than ever, most aggressive climate agenda in history, first meaningful gun legislation in 30 years, changed the course of the pandemic, regained our favorable standing with world allies in the fight to preserve democracy, developed a program to rebuild domestic semiconductor industry (CHIPS Act), 95.89 percent of bills that passed the legislature in 2023, did so with bipartisan support — largest percent in decades (often just one Republican “yes” vote), Joe and Dems know how to work across the aisle — to the dismay of MAGAs.
Deniers will claim none of this is true. It is… all of it and more. Get your heads out of the dark places and pay attention. Time is running out.
Jeanne Schutz
Winona Lake, via email

God bless ‘em. They are fighting the good fight to keep us safe, to keep us ignorant, to keep us free from sin (as they see it) and to ultimately keep us compliant and obedient. Their diligence and determination to accomplish all of this will become a fait accompli if the rest of us do not wake up and act now. (By the way, fait accompli means “a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept it.”)
The subversive tactics used by these masterminds include twisted conspiracies, repeated lies, misplaced blame and unreasonable fear mongering — all together, separately, and continuously. An honest look at the list of targets of our would-be saviors should leave even the staunchest supporters of the movement scratching their heads:
Green M&Ms, the word “gay, Democracy, Mr. Potato Head, rainbows, BLM, Bud Light, beer, birth control, LGBTQ+, windmills, pregnant women, trans anybody, Dr. Seuss, anyone named Biden, EVs, Disney characters, the word “woke,” climate change, U.S. history books, anyone non-Christian, CRT, Taylor Swift, anyone non-white, Barbie.
Meanwhile, the other party really is fighting …. fighting to keep democracy alive here and throughout the world. They are fighting to unburden the lives of all Americans by lowering the cost of life’s necessities, by protecting their rights to vote, to ensure their control of their own lives, and to preserve their dignity no matter who they are. This party has actually accomplished more in nearly three years than any other party in decades:
37,000+ new infrastructure projects across the country (many Republicans who voted against the bill now claim credit in their states), more people working than any time in our history, historic expansion of benefits and services for toxic exposed veterans, more people with affordable health coverage than ever, most aggressive climate agenda in history, first meaningful gun legislation in 30 years, changed the course of the pandemic, regained our favorable standing with world allies in the fight to preserve democracy, developed a program to rebuild domestic semiconductor industry (CHIPS Act), 95.89 percent of bills that passed the legislature in 2023, did so with bipartisan support — largest percent in decades (often just one Republican “yes” vote), Joe and Dems know how to work across the aisle — to the dismay of MAGAs.
Deniers will claim none of this is true. It is… all of it and more. Get your heads out of the dark places and pay attention. Time is running out.
Jeanne Schutz
Winona Lake, via email

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