Club News 04.29.23

April 28, 2023 at 9:19 p.m.

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Daughters Of The American Revolution Met

Agnes Pruyn Chapman DAR met at noon Tuesday at the Palette in the Wyndham Gardens of Warsaw.

Regent Paulene Holderman opened the meeting by leading the group in the DAR opening ritual, the pledge of allegiance to the flag and the recitation of the American’s Creed and Preamble to the Constitution.  

The guest was Mariana Conde, the JROTC Outstanding Female Cadet from Warsaw Community High School.  She is a captain in the Warsaw JRPTC program. Conde is a junior this year and will be graduating a year early to join the National Guard in September. She will also be attending Trine University.  

Susan Creamer read a letter from the Indiana DAR Regent about the upcoming state conference. The national defense report was given by Kathy Gawthrop on how George Washington set the standard and precedent for presidential elections and inaugurations.  

Gawthrop collected items brought for service members needed at Camp Atterbury.

The next meeting will be at noon May 23 at the Palette in the Wyndham Gardens in Warsaw. They will be having a memorial service in remembrance of deceased members from this past year.

DAR membership is open to all women who can prove an ancestor fought in or gave aid to the American Revolutionary War.   

For more information, visit the DAR website,

Literary Club Met

WINONA LAKE – The Winona Lake Literary Club met Wednesday. The club meets at the Grace Village Robin Hood Community Center in Winona Lake at 1:30 p.m. Meetings are scheduled six times in the fall and six times in the spring. Winona Lake Literary Club has been a local club since 1903. Speakers, book reviews and music are interspersed throughout the year. A business meeting and refreshments are included. Ladies from the community are welcome to attend.

On Wednesday, the guest speaker was Warsaw Mayor Joseph Thallemer. Thallemer shared about growth and improvements in Warsaw the last couple years. He also shared some difficulties in the community that are being worked on.

The hostesses were Nancy Wuthrich and Pat Redpath.

The next meeting will be May 10 with the club’s annual luncheon with Susan Plastow playing piano music.

Contact Phyllis at 574-306-2483.

Kosciusko County Retired Teachers To Meet

The first meeting of the Kosciusko County Retired Teachers of 2023 will be May 9 at Miller’s Senior Living Center for food, fellowship and program. Enter through door 6 of the second building. Check-in begins at 11:30 a.m. with lunch at noon. Dues are $10 for the year and the meal cost is $10. Bring the correct change if possible.

Are you looking forward to seeing people that you have not seen for some time? Be ready to enjoy conversation over lunch with others who shared your profession. Remember to invite other former teachers to come with you.

The AMBA representative will share some new thoughts, followed by a brief business meeting. There will be door prizes.

All retired teachers who taught in Kosciusko County or are now living in Kosciusko County are welcome. they meet four times a year in the months of May, July, September and October on the second Tuesday. As a non-profit, the club was established in 1972 with goals of continued lifelong learning, volunteering in the community and connecting through social interactions.

With questions, visit

RSVP to [email protected].

Wednesday Bridge Played

Wednesday Night Bridge Group met at Grace Village on Wednesday.

The winners were Dorothy Herring, Nancy Dalton, Annette Magner, Mike Herring, John Wagley, Sandy Mauk and Grant Magner.

The group would like to welcome bridge players of all skill levels to join them from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at Grace Village. If interested, call John Wagley at 574-268-1330

Thursday Bridge Met

The Thursday Bridge Club met at Maria’s Restaurant.

The winners were Sandy Mauk, Betty Walston, Nancy Dalton and Patty Donders.

ABC Bridge Played

The ABC Bridge Club met at Grace Village with Paulene Holderman as hostess.

Winners were Edith Vitoux and Peggy Wilson.

Bridge Was Played At SPEC

NORTH WEBSTER – Bridge was played at SPEC at the North Webster Community Center.

On Tuesday, Mike Wyrick came in first and Bob Merchant came in second.

On Thursday, Bill Thompson came in first and Dick Sutton came in second.

Last Monday Euchre Met

The Last Monday Euchre Club met at the Warsaw Senior Center Monday. The high winner was Toni Wilson, most lones was Asenath Wilson and low scorer was Jane Eash. The next meeting will be at 11 a.m. May 22 at the Warsaw Senior Center.

Daughters Of The American Revolution Met

Agnes Pruyn Chapman DAR met at noon Tuesday at the Palette in the Wyndham Gardens of Warsaw.

Regent Paulene Holderman opened the meeting by leading the group in the DAR opening ritual, the pledge of allegiance to the flag and the recitation of the American’s Creed and Preamble to the Constitution.  

The guest was Mariana Conde, the JROTC Outstanding Female Cadet from Warsaw Community High School.  She is a captain in the Warsaw JRPTC program. Conde is a junior this year and will be graduating a year early to join the National Guard in September. She will also be attending Trine University.  

Susan Creamer read a letter from the Indiana DAR Regent about the upcoming state conference. The national defense report was given by Kathy Gawthrop on how George Washington set the standard and precedent for presidential elections and inaugurations.  

Gawthrop collected items brought for service members needed at Camp Atterbury.

The next meeting will be at noon May 23 at the Palette in the Wyndham Gardens in Warsaw. They will be having a memorial service in remembrance of deceased members from this past year.

DAR membership is open to all women who can prove an ancestor fought in or gave aid to the American Revolutionary War.   

For more information, visit the DAR website,

Literary Club Met

WINONA LAKE – The Winona Lake Literary Club met Wednesday. The club meets at the Grace Village Robin Hood Community Center in Winona Lake at 1:30 p.m. Meetings are scheduled six times in the fall and six times in the spring. Winona Lake Literary Club has been a local club since 1903. Speakers, book reviews and music are interspersed throughout the year. A business meeting and refreshments are included. Ladies from the community are welcome to attend.

On Wednesday, the guest speaker was Warsaw Mayor Joseph Thallemer. Thallemer shared about growth and improvements in Warsaw the last couple years. He also shared some difficulties in the community that are being worked on.

The hostesses were Nancy Wuthrich and Pat Redpath.

The next meeting will be May 10 with the club’s annual luncheon with Susan Plastow playing piano music.

Contact Phyllis at 574-306-2483.

Kosciusko County Retired Teachers To Meet

The first meeting of the Kosciusko County Retired Teachers of 2023 will be May 9 at Miller’s Senior Living Center for food, fellowship and program. Enter through door 6 of the second building. Check-in begins at 11:30 a.m. with lunch at noon. Dues are $10 for the year and the meal cost is $10. Bring the correct change if possible.

Are you looking forward to seeing people that you have not seen for some time? Be ready to enjoy conversation over lunch with others who shared your profession. Remember to invite other former teachers to come with you.

The AMBA representative will share some new thoughts, followed by a brief business meeting. There will be door prizes.

All retired teachers who taught in Kosciusko County or are now living in Kosciusko County are welcome. they meet four times a year in the months of May, July, September and October on the second Tuesday. As a non-profit, the club was established in 1972 with goals of continued lifelong learning, volunteering in the community and connecting through social interactions.

With questions, visit

RSVP to [email protected].

Wednesday Bridge Played

Wednesday Night Bridge Group met at Grace Village on Wednesday.

The winners were Dorothy Herring, Nancy Dalton, Annette Magner, Mike Herring, John Wagley, Sandy Mauk and Grant Magner.

The group would like to welcome bridge players of all skill levels to join them from 6 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at Grace Village. If interested, call John Wagley at 574-268-1330

Thursday Bridge Met

The Thursday Bridge Club met at Maria’s Restaurant.

The winners were Sandy Mauk, Betty Walston, Nancy Dalton and Patty Donders.

ABC Bridge Played

The ABC Bridge Club met at Grace Village with Paulene Holderman as hostess.

Winners were Edith Vitoux and Peggy Wilson.

Bridge Was Played At SPEC

NORTH WEBSTER – Bridge was played at SPEC at the North Webster Community Center.

On Tuesday, Mike Wyrick came in first and Bob Merchant came in second.

On Thursday, Bill Thompson came in first and Dick Sutton came in second.

Last Monday Euchre Met

The Last Monday Euchre Club met at the Warsaw Senior Center Monday. The high winner was Toni Wilson, most lones was Asenath Wilson and low scorer was Jane Eash. The next meeting will be at 11 a.m. May 22 at the Warsaw Senior Center.
Have a news tip? Email [email protected] or Call/Text 360-922-3092



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