WHS Class Of 1958 Reunion

May 27, 2022 at 10:19 p.m.

By -

The Warsaw High School Class of 1958 recently got together at Maria's Restaurant for lunch. Those present were John and Donna Fawley Wiles, Gaylord and Sandra Smith Johnston, Dave and Rosalie Nye, Jerry Opperud, Bob Holbrook, Jerry Baker, Jim Breading, Larry Momeyer, Bill and Carol Sayler Huffer and John Davis and his daughter Cindy as his chauffeur.   

The class got on the topic of other class members. The class would like to see the locals come have lunch at the June 25 gathering.  

The class is going to meet at Maria's at 12:30 p.m.

The Warsaw High School Class of 1958 recently got together at Maria's Restaurant for lunch. Those present were John and Donna Fawley Wiles, Gaylord and Sandra Smith Johnston, Dave and Rosalie Nye, Jerry Opperud, Bob Holbrook, Jerry Baker, Jim Breading, Larry Momeyer, Bill and Carol Sayler Huffer and John Davis and his daughter Cindy as his chauffeur.   

The class got on the topic of other class members. The class would like to see the locals come have lunch at the June 25 gathering.  

The class is going to meet at Maria's at 12:30 p.m.
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