Club News 05.14.22

May 14, 2022 at 12:06 a.m.

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Thursday Bridge Met

Thursday Bridge met at Maria’s Restaurant.

On May 5, Betty Walston hosted. Winners were Don Baird, Elaine Trip, Cookie Gakstater and Carolyn Young.

On May 12, Betty Walston hosted. Winners were Kathy Clary, Liz Frazzette, Linda Baird and Sandy Mass.

Bridge Was Played At SPEC

NORTH WEBSTER – Bridge was played at SPEC at the North Webster Community Center.

On Tuesday, Jean Cowan came in first and Bill Thompson came in second.

ABC Bridge Club Met

The  ABC Bridge Club met at Wyndham Gardens Hotel  with Sharon Tuttle as hostess.

Winners were Edith Vitoux and  Tuttle.

Thursday Bridge Met

Thursday Bridge met at Maria’s Restaurant.

On May 5, Betty Walston hosted. Winners were Don Baird, Elaine Trip, Cookie Gakstater and Carolyn Young.

On May 12, Betty Walston hosted. Winners were Kathy Clary, Liz Frazzette, Linda Baird and Sandy Mass.

Bridge Was Played At SPEC

NORTH WEBSTER – Bridge was played at SPEC at the North Webster Community Center.

On Tuesday, Jean Cowan came in first and Bill Thompson came in second.

ABC Bridge Club Met

The  ABC Bridge Club met at Wyndham Gardens Hotel  with Sharon Tuttle as hostess.

Winners were Edith Vitoux and  Tuttle.

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