WHS Class Of 1960 To Hold Luncheon

September 3, 2021 at 8:03 p.m.

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A Warsaw High School Class of 1960 luncheon will be at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 14 at the Boathouse Restaurant, 700 Park Ave., Winona Lake. Bob Phillips from Florida and John Bilby from Colorado are planning on joining the luncheon.

The last class luncheon was at the Boathouse on July 13. Those attending were Nancy Holmes, Bev Hay, Nancy Dirck, Shawnee VanKirk, Steve and Dian Cartwright, Ed and Susie Huffer, Judy and Don Wray, Jim and Joy Hostetler, Monte and June Reece, Janice Cox, Barb Funnell, Pete and Ada Gross, Alice Ann Troy, Doug and Linda Gooch, Steve Bochonok and Gary Knouff.

A Warsaw High School Class of 1960 luncheon will be at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 14 at the Boathouse Restaurant, 700 Park Ave., Winona Lake. Bob Phillips from Florida and John Bilby from Colorado are planning on joining the luncheon.

The last class luncheon was at the Boathouse on July 13. Those attending were Nancy Holmes, Bev Hay, Nancy Dirck, Shawnee VanKirk, Steve and Dian Cartwright, Ed and Susie Huffer, Judy and Don Wray, Jim and Joy Hostetler, Monte and June Reece, Janice Cox, Barb Funnell, Pete and Ada Gross, Alice Ann Troy, Doug and Linda Gooch, Steve Bochonok and Gary Knouff.
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