
March 23, 2018 at 2:10 p.m.

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Rebeca Cecilia Garcia, Lisle, Ill., and Eric Andrew Bedard, Winfield, Ill., have announced their engagement.

Rebeca is the daughter of Leopoldo “Polo” and Sarah Garcia, Warsaw. She graduated from Warsaw Community High School in 2012 and received a Bachelor of Arts from the College of Education at Purdue University, West Lafayette, in May 2016.

She is a third-grade teacher at St. Michael’s Catholic School, Wheaton, Ill.

Eric is the son of Mark and Jane Bedard, Scranton, Pa. He graduated from Delaware Valley Regional High School, Frenchtown, N.J., in 2012, and received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Purdue in May 2016.

He is an Operations Management Development Program associate at Navistar Inc., Lisle.

The couple are planning their wedding for July 2018.

Rebeca Cecilia Garcia, Lisle, Ill., and Eric Andrew Bedard, Winfield, Ill., have announced their engagement.

Rebeca is the daughter of Leopoldo “Polo” and Sarah Garcia, Warsaw. She graduated from Warsaw Community High School in 2012 and received a Bachelor of Arts from the College of Education at Purdue University, West Lafayette, in May 2016.

She is a third-grade teacher at St. Michael’s Catholic School, Wheaton, Ill.

Eric is the son of Mark and Jane Bedard, Scranton, Pa. He graduated from Delaware Valley Regional High School, Frenchtown, N.J., in 2012, and received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Purdue in May 2016.

He is an Operations Management Development Program associate at Navistar Inc., Lisle.

The couple are planning their wedding for July 2018.
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