Club News, June 9, 2018
June 8, 2018 at 6:51 p.m.
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Lambda Chi Omega will have a business meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Grace Village.
Sandy Nellans and Liz Surface are the hostesses.
Wednesday Night Bridge
The group had five tables June 6, with the following winners: John Wagley, Dorothy Herring, Jan Chiddister, Bob Mayer, Annette Magner and Tony Frazzetta.
Janet and John Wagley are hostess and host for June.
New bridge players are welcome. If interested call Janet Wagley at 574-268-1330.
Four Seasons Ladies Bridge
WINONA LAKE — The group gathered June 6 at Grace Village with Barb Calhan as hostess.
Winners were Erma Swank, Nanette Newland, Beth ?Huffer and Calhan.
Singles Meeting Friends
A nice group gathered June 6 at the upstairs deli at Martin's Super Market, Warsaw.
The group discussed the rainbow that appeared as they visited and the large number of fire trucks and police cars that went by during the evening.
Members were reminded of this weekend’s "Relay for Life" at Central Lake park and the ‘“Rockin for Riley” concert featuring Night Ranger on June 15.
Donald said he had quite a time finding the correct size and strength of tires for his truck because they were discontinued by many, but he was finally able to order some.
Judy said she had good news from her last doctor appointment: Many of her issues were side effects of her medicine.
Ray is in the group’s prayers because of his crippling pain; hip replacement might be the answer. Tom is looking into possible orthopedic surgery as well and will have his results from tests soon.
The group meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at Martin’s.
North Webster Community Center SPEC
NORTH WEBSTER — The results of bridge at the Senior Prime Enrichment Center this week are:
June 5 — First, Barb Keiper; second, Wanda Wyrick
June 7 — First, Mary Kay Roby; second, Jan Hodson
Grace Thursday Bridge
Grace Thursday Bridge met June 7 with Carol Freeman as hostess.
Winners were Pauline Holderman and Bob Mayer.
Lambda Chi Omega will have a business meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Grace Village.
Sandy Nellans and Liz Surface are the hostesses.
Wednesday Night Bridge
The group had five tables June 6, with the following winners: John Wagley, Dorothy Herring, Jan Chiddister, Bob Mayer, Annette Magner and Tony Frazzetta.
Janet and John Wagley are hostess and host for June.
New bridge players are welcome. If interested call Janet Wagley at 574-268-1330.
Four Seasons Ladies Bridge
WINONA LAKE — The group gathered June 6 at Grace Village with Barb Calhan as hostess.
Winners were Erma Swank, Nanette Newland, Beth ?Huffer and Calhan.
Singles Meeting Friends
A nice group gathered June 6 at the upstairs deli at Martin's Super Market, Warsaw.
The group discussed the rainbow that appeared as they visited and the large number of fire trucks and police cars that went by during the evening.
Members were reminded of this weekend’s "Relay for Life" at Central Lake park and the ‘“Rockin for Riley” concert featuring Night Ranger on June 15.
Donald said he had quite a time finding the correct size and strength of tires for his truck because they were discontinued by many, but he was finally able to order some.
Judy said she had good news from her last doctor appointment: Many of her issues were side effects of her medicine.
Ray is in the group’s prayers because of his crippling pain; hip replacement might be the answer. Tom is looking into possible orthopedic surgery as well and will have his results from tests soon.
The group meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at Martin’s.
North Webster Community Center SPEC
NORTH WEBSTER — The results of bridge at the Senior Prime Enrichment Center this week are:
June 5 — First, Barb Keiper; second, Wanda Wyrick
June 7 — First, Mary Kay Roby; second, Jan Hodson
Grace Thursday Bridge
Grace Thursday Bridge met June 7 with Carol Freeman as hostess.
Winners were Pauline Holderman and Bob Mayer.
Have a news tip? Email [email protected] or Call/Text 360-922-3092