Women Unite Under Banner Of?Love To Serve Others
April 6, 2018 at 8:35 p.m.
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E. Mazie Alexander was the county recorder at the time and Howard Palomaki approached her with the idea. “Oh, I can’t do that!” she replied after his pitch.
“Oh, yes you can,” he countered.
Mazie answered, “I will think about it and pray for guidance.”
The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary began as Alexander urged Georgia Kaufman to be the first president and Ada Eagler helped with projects. They met in people’s homes until they got to 35 members and then began gathering at the Corps & Community Center.
That first year they held a bazaar at Glover’s Furniture and helped with the Toy Shop at Christmas. The now-famous nut sale started in 1970, and thousands of dollars have been raised to meet human need in the name of Jesus.
In preparing to celebrate 50 years it should be noted that this group models something desperately needed today. In all those sales, service and times of fellowship, religion, race, politics and other differences have been put aside for the common good. Unity of purpose under the banner of the love of Jesus can reach out and touch a dark and hurting world.
Ephesians 4:3 says, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Mazie prayed for guidance, and even after she and many other faithful women have been promoted to glory, that little band of women keeps on. The Soup & Pie Luncheon on April 18 will be a Golden Jubilee of all that has been accomplished but also a celebration of unity. Something we so desperately need in our World today.
Ken Locke is community ministries director of The Salvation Army in Warsaw and director of the Greater Warsaw Ministerial Associa-tion.
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E. Mazie Alexander was the county recorder at the time and Howard Palomaki approached her with the idea. “Oh, I can’t do that!” she replied after his pitch.
“Oh, yes you can,” he countered.
Mazie answered, “I will think about it and pray for guidance.”
The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary began as Alexander urged Georgia Kaufman to be the first president and Ada Eagler helped with projects. They met in people’s homes until they got to 35 members and then began gathering at the Corps & Community Center.
That first year they held a bazaar at Glover’s Furniture and helped with the Toy Shop at Christmas. The now-famous nut sale started in 1970, and thousands of dollars have been raised to meet human need in the name of Jesus.
In preparing to celebrate 50 years it should be noted that this group models something desperately needed today. In all those sales, service and times of fellowship, religion, race, politics and other differences have been put aside for the common good. Unity of purpose under the banner of the love of Jesus can reach out and touch a dark and hurting world.
Ephesians 4:3 says, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Mazie prayed for guidance, and even after she and many other faithful women have been promoted to glory, that little band of women keeps on. The Soup & Pie Luncheon on April 18 will be a Golden Jubilee of all that has been accomplished but also a celebration of unity. Something we so desperately need in our World today.
Ken Locke is community ministries director of The Salvation Army in Warsaw and director of the Greater Warsaw Ministerial Associa-tion.
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