Reunions: Warsaw High School

December 22, 2017 at 7:01 p.m.

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Warsaw High School Class Of 1953

The Warsaw High School class of 1953 met Dec. 18 at Richards Restaurant, Warsaw.

Those attending, including eight classmates, were Roger and Carol Conaway Stump, Larry and Coraethel Alspaugh McConnell, Shirley Shumaker, Alden and Thelma Smith Clark, Don Frush, John and Margie Bumbaugh Vance, Ken Schaaf and Janice Anglin Long, and Guy Alspaugh from the class of 1955.

The next meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 15 at Richards.

Warsaw High School Class Of 1961

The Warsaw High School class of 1961 will meet for its final luncheon of 2017 at noon Wednesday at American Table Restaurant, Warsaw.

Teachers, friends and spouses of classmates are all welcome to attend.

Those attending the November get-together were Diane Poort, Linda Roberts, Viv Kelly, Mike Case, Nedra and Lewis Dobbins, Mike Kelly, Clint Whitney, Mary Keplingr, Rita Soberg, Bob Downing, Bill and Lillian Tschantz, Stan and Linda Phillips, Bob Craig, Jim Miller, Dave Wolkins and Connie Van Curen.

In addition, Brent Julian stopped by to visit with classmates.

Warsaw High School Class Of 1953

The Warsaw High School class of 1953 met Dec. 18 at Richards Restaurant, Warsaw.

Those attending, including eight classmates, were Roger and Carol Conaway Stump, Larry and Coraethel Alspaugh McConnell, Shirley Shumaker, Alden and Thelma Smith Clark, Don Frush, John and Margie Bumbaugh Vance, Ken Schaaf and Janice Anglin Long, and Guy Alspaugh from the class of 1955.

The next meeting will be at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 15 at Richards.

Warsaw High School Class Of 1961

The Warsaw High School class of 1961 will meet for its final luncheon of 2017 at noon Wednesday at American Table Restaurant, Warsaw.

Teachers, friends and spouses of classmates are all welcome to attend.

Those attending the November get-together were Diane Poort, Linda Roberts, Viv Kelly, Mike Case, Nedra and Lewis Dobbins, Mike Kelly, Clint Whitney, Mary Keplingr, Rita Soberg, Bob Downing, Bill and Lillian Tschantz, Stan and Linda Phillips, Bob Craig, Jim Miller, Dave Wolkins and Connie Van Curen.

In addition, Brent Julian stopped by to visit with classmates.
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